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It is the first day of school.I wake up,excited and freshen up,before changing into my uniform.Our uniform is a navy blue salwar-kameez with the same colour shawl for the seniors .You can either wrap it around your head or just wear it around your shoulder,it doesn't really matter.

I skip all the way and jump down the steps.

"Control the excitement,sweetheart. It looks like you are finally happy to be away from us"Ma reprimands me with a smile.

"Ma...not like that !!it's fun to be among the seniors,FINALLY " I explain it to her

"I know how much you were looking forward to this year,and the blue really suits you better than that green" she tells me with a wink,referring to my previous uniform.

"Where is Rehan by the way?" I ask her,changing the topic before she finds out the real reason for my excitement.

"Here" he calls out from the landing.He is wearing a button down shirt over a full sleeve Tshirt since he hasn't got his uniform yet.

"Dude,it's going to be hot.I don't think you will survive with two layers"

"How hot?20 degrees?"

"Pfft..20 degrees is the AC's temperature at school.Its 35 degrees outside and will be even warmer at our floor"

"I'll manage." He waves it off,probably lazy to change.

"You can't. You aren't even used to temperatures above 20" I try to make him understand,but he doesn't listen.We have been using the AC everywhere in the house cause it is THAT hot.This guy has no idea about Chennai's heat.

We have our breakfast and wait for the bus.After a few minutes,the noisy school bus turns into our street and we enter it.

"Hi sweetie"
"Hey dear"
"Laylaaaa" I hear screams from my friends ,while I enter and after a while,complete silence. I see everyone staring behind me...I guess they are surprised to find a blond guy with me.

"Guys,this is Rehan. Rehan,guys" I do the intro.

"Yeah,very helpful introduction,Layla.Is everyone here named GUYS?"

I hear a few girls giggle but personally I don't think it was really funny,maybe they are doing it just cause he looks good.

"Very funny.That is Amina"I say pointing at the girl in the last row "Then Ziana,that is Adam,Bilal over there....Dont worry,you will learn everyone's names eventually."

He nods and walks to the back of the bus while I stay in the front and chat up with the girls all the way to school.

The minute we reach school,uncle tells us that we are late and better hurry cause the assemble starts in less than three minutes.I run up to our class with Rehan in row and leave our bags there before going sneaking into the already fully packed auditorium.I can't see any of our classmates so we just stand together at the back.

"Assalamualikum and welcome to a new academic year" our Principal greets us all. We all return the greetings in chorus and the school President ,Adil starts reciting Surah Fatihah as usual.

Now the reason for my uber excitement is none other that Adil.I have always had a die hard crush on him ever since I joined this school,but we were in separate buildings earlier and now on we are going to be in the same Seniors campus and currently in the same damn hall.He is less than a kilometre away from me and I can't help hyperventilating.

He finishes reciting and starts his welcome speech.I hang on to each and every word he says,recording his voice into my head.

"Layla" Rehan calls me

"Sssh,listen to the speech" I shush him

"Layla "


"It's boring " he groans

"What did you just say?" I turn to him

"That the speech is boring"

"You will not say anything about Adil Ebrahim is boring,do you get me?" I almost idolise him and I will not let this guy insult him,atleast not on my watch.

"Why do you care?" He taunts me.

"I lik-...why do you want to know?" Nobody knows about my secret adoration of him,not even Jess and I dont want Rehan to be the first to know.

"Touché "

I don't say anything but put in my entire concentration into the speech,silently cursing Rehan for missing a few parts.

"...and our clubs have been doing really well.We would like it if any of the club presidents or Vice Presidents would tell us of their plans for this year " he looks expectantly at all of us.

I bend my head to the ground and wish so hard that I could dig a hole and bury myself.

"What's wrong with you,cupcake?" Rehan enquires.OH ,so this guy has good side but it just turned up at a totally unnecessary moment.

"I like the fact that you have a heart but pretend like I don't exist"

"Yeah,that would have been easy if you weren't 5foot plus "his voice dripping with sarcasm.Dint he just call me 'short' two days ago?

"I am the English club's Vice President,you idiot"

"Ooh!!I see " the realisation finally hits him.

"Can the French club's VP come on stage please?" The Principal calls out,to save Adil from embarrassment.

"Ma'am,she hadn't turned up due to medical reasons " Mariya's class teacher informs her.

"the English VP then?" Principal makes another attempt.

"Where is Layla?" My classmates start whispering

"Don't she come today?"

"I saw her on the bus"

Frightened with the sudden attention,my hand goes up in the air by their own willing.

"come on,darling " the Principal welcomes me to the stage,finally relieved.

I look at Rehan ,who gives me a confident nod and I slowly make my way through the waves of students parting aside for me.

I carry myself with wobbly knees up the stairs to the stage.My legs feel like jelly.I have always suffered from stage fear and the fact that I am standing lesser than 15 centimetres away  from Adil dint help the situation at all.

"Your name?" He asked me,while I just stared into his eyes.They were the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.I could literally get lost in its darkness.

"Ahem..your name?" He repeats again,which breaks me from my daydream. I see a small smile on the corner of his lips. This guy looked awesome from faraway but now ,from where I am standing,he looks breathlessly amazing.

"Layla Mohammed" I say,in a voice which sounded more like a frog croaking.

"Handing over to Layla Mohammed,young ladies and gentlemen, to tell us about her plans to bring her club to the forefront"he introduces me before handing over the microphone and his hand slightly brushed mine.Oh ooooh Adil Ebrahim's tiny finger felt the right side of my palm.My poor heart can't handle it anymore.

That is when I notice the crowd and see a thousand pairs of eyes staring at me,waiting expectantly.

All of a sudden,all I see is darkness and then I fainted.

Yeah,you read it right! I fainted on my first day of senior year,in front of my crush and the entire school.

My life is so much fun.Not


There...another chapter done.

Hope you like it,

Love ,

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