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The phone rings in the living room.

"Layla ..." Ma screams for me

"I'll take it..."I put my mobile on the bed and rush to get the landline

"Hello" I say

"Hello"a voice comes from the other side. Is it a boy?

"May I know who is speaking?"I ask

"May I know who is on line?"the voice said,simultaneously. That accent...could it be HIM?

"Well,you called.Dont you think you should know who you are calling?"I ask . It must be the Rehan effect. Am not usually this b**chy

"You must be Layla" he guessed.

"And who may you be,Mister?" I was so tempted to add 'know it all' but refrained at the last minute.

"The name is Rehan Ahmed" I can almost imagine him doing it the oo7 way. Ha!!It is HIM.Speak of the devil and he arrives or call,as in this case.

"Oh,you must be the dude who ma said,was coming over." I tell him,pretending like there is no huge makeover going on this house on account of his arrival."hold on please" I swear I could hear a distinct chuckle from him.

"Maaaa" I yelled.

She rushed out of the kitchen."what's wrong ?" She asked

"Rehan is on phone" I tell her,pointing to the landline like it is some huge tarantula.

"You screamed like a banshee for this??"she looked at me incredulously before taking the phone.

"Assalamualaikum,sweety"she greeted him,taking the receiver. I listen in on their conversation,well,atleast one part of it.
"Am fine ,Alhamdulillah "

"Yeah !That was Layla,she is a bit shy"
Me??Shy??Layla and shy aren't even supposed to be used in the same sentence .

"We are so excited too" we?? I don't remember being even close to excited.

"Three?we would love to come and pick you up" Love??We??Ma,seriously?

"No..there is no trouble.we will be there" Excuse me??I am losing atleast one and half hour of sleep and she says it is NO TROUBLE??

"Sure,Insha Allah !Hope u reach safely" Ya Allah,please make him miss his flight.I promise I'll pray sincerely and seriously and even add an extra few ra'kaths too.

"Walaikumassalam"She hangs the receiver and goes back to work .

"I am NOT shy" I whine like a baby, following her into the kitchen.

"Oh,you are!!" Zain joins in.I ignore him as usual or it would result in a full fledged war.

"What else do you expect me to tell him?" Ma asked

"That I hate him?" I offered ,helpfully

"Yeah right!!Tell him that my daughter hates him when he is going to be staying here for a year."Ma's starts "you better act mature and try being nice"she advices me

"But ,I can't be forced to act all nice and sweet to a person I despise. It's not FAIR" I am literally screaming

"life isn't fair ,young lady" Zain doesn't miss his chance to taunt me.

"Oh,shut up BABY"  I retort back,not able to hold it in any longer.

"I am twelve" he defends himself.

"Oh,twelve ?? You are not even a teen yet,KID" He hates being called a 'kid'

"Layla..stop it" Ma reprimand me

"But he started it" I point at Zay

"I dont care,just stop" Ma looked really pissed off so I dint say anything to her further.

"It's unfair" I say, walking away.

"Life is unfair ,young lady" I hear Zay's voice. That little pipsqueak.

I am about to give him a pice of my mind but then one look at Ma's face and I realize it might not be a good idea after all.


I go up to my room and slam the door loudly before jumping on to my bed.


The fights in between is a little immature I know ,but then siblings argue for silly things.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.
Love ,

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