22 || d u a l i t y

Start from the beginning

Yours sincerely,

Narcissa Malfoy.

Malia put aside the letter and looked around for parchment and ink. She found it in the corner, on a table. She dipped the quill in the ink.

Dear Narcissa Malfoy,

On the 29th, you are to meet my father in the Perth City Centre at no more sharp. My father tells me that you are to apparate to Romania, then to Philippines, then to Australia. He says that apparating there in one is dangerous.

In fact, to keep you out of harms way until that date, apparate early and spend some time in Romania or any other country but do not miss the time to meet my father as he will leave.

Yours sincerely,

Malia Stark.

She grabbed another piece of parchment, sitting back down.

Dear Father,

I showed him the letter and you should have seen his face. I think your message has sunk in. But I do not think you will ever need to make those threats a reality.

Thank you so much for taking in Mrs Malfoy. It would break Draco to see one of his only relatives dead. You two don't need to get on but please keep her safe. I need that of you. The letter of the date and time has been sent to her.

I'll see you when all this is over.

Stay safe,

Malia Stark.

She folded the letters and went back to her owl, pushing the letters into her pouch. Malia looked around for something to feed Athena. She eyed her friends until she spotted Blaise about to eat a piece of shortbread.

Malia walked over and grabbed the piece, bringing it to her owl. "Hey!" Blaise groaned, glaring at her. "My owl is hungry!" Malia replied, feeding the owl. "So am I!" Blaise retorted, a scowl on his face.

Malia ignored him, smiling to herself. "Take one letter to Narcissa Malfoy and the other to my father. You know the drill, don't be intercepted and stay above the clouds."

Athena almost nodded, spreading her winds and taking off. Malia grabbed her wand and cast a disillusionment charm on her, ensuring her safety.

"McGonagall and Andromeda are here." Pansy burst in, startling everyone. Malia sent a quick look to Draco before shutting the window. They all stood up, including Teddy, sending looks to each other. Malia, Draco, Theo, Teddy and Blaise walked into the foyer, joining Pansy.

"It's time. Here are your portkeys. You have five minutes to get ready. I expect you to leave by then." McGonagall placed 4 sets of portkeys on the glass table, then apparated away as quick as she came, leaving them with wide eyes. "And I'm here for you, little man." Andromeda smiled at Teddy.

"Can she not just be normal for once and tell us instead of dropping that on us, then just disappearing?" Blaise exclaimed, still scowling. Pansy walked over to the glass table and picked up a set of portkeys, examining them. She shoved them into her pocket and pulled her jacket off the coat rack. Andromeda watched them all with a smile, remembering exactly how her friends used to be.

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