Aeric - 15

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When they walked into the inn that was just on the edge of the sleepy town, Aeric practically fell on the first chair available. He ended up disrupting a card game being played by three men and they looked at him in curiosity but didn't question.

Luce faltered next to him, unsure where to go while Demetrius and Rodel walked straight up to the woman who was manning the counter and giving trays of food to workers who passed them around.

The inn was surprisingly busy for being on the outskirts of town, no doubt a stop for weary travelers such as themselves to rest before actually visiting the busy streets. Men slumbered next to the fireplace, in booths, and some with a mug of ale in their hands. Some were still eating and chattering with companions and there was a young boy plucking at a stringed instrument in the corner of the room.

"We're still in Artus," he said obviously to Luce, watching as the men dealt the cards in the table in front of him. Of course they were, they would've known if they were out of their kingdom's borders. Neither of them just ever bothered to explore the rest of the realm they called home.

Luce hummed in reply, surveying the room. Demetrius was handing gold to the woman out of a thick pouch at his side and Aeric idly wondered where he had gotten all that money.

"Are you in?"

He blinked and turned back to the table. The three other men were looking at him, the deck held in the grubby fingers of a man that vaguely resembled a bear. "What?"

"Are you in?" The man repeated, holding out the deck. "Do you want to play?"

Aeric glanced at the table in front of him and frowned. He had never played cards and the only ones he'd ever seen were owned by Vajeel for magical purposes. "Alright," he ended up saying as cards began to slide his way. "What are we playing?"

"Alouette," the man grunted, the word sounding much too pretty to be said so gruffly. There was no explanation to the rules and Aeric was left to stare at his cards blankly, but he did feel Luce shift behind him.

One by one, the men laid down a card face down. When it was Aeric's turn, his fingers hovered over the hand he held, wondering what the point of the game was. The men before him didn't strike him as the kind that would patiently walk him through.

It wasn't until Luce's slender finger reached over and pointed at the King he had. Immediately, he set it down.

"Is he playing with you?" said the bear-man's companion who looked more like a rat. He shot a suspicious eye at Luce who was no doubt staring back at him coolly. "We don't want no cheating in this game."

"I'm not," Luce said from above him. "It was just a tip." With that, he turned away and went to join the siblings who were being ushered to the back where the rooms where.

The bear-man frowned at Aeric. "Tips are considered cheating," he said warningly.

"He didn't know," Aeric said in defense. "He doesn't know how to play."

"Whatever," said the rat man, looking eager to get on and the game resumed quickly. They all flipped their cards over and stared at the numbers. Aeric had his king, the bear-man an eight, the rat-man a five and the third man, with red hair and a red beard, had an Ace. Promptly, the redheaded man swept all the cards towards himself, piling them at his side.

It took around two turns for Aeric to finally realize what was going on. It was but a simple game. They'd lay down their cards and whoever had the highest suit won the set. Luce had helped him realize that little clue when he had pointed at the king - his highest card at the time.

It wasn't until the rat man suggested they start playing with bets that Aeric chose to bow out because of his lack of money.

"We'll spot you some coin," the redheaded man said. He had proved earlier in the game that he was much more nicer towards Aeric than his friends. "Teach you how to bet like man."

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