The escape from Chief Death

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Geno had to guess that day wasn't going to rain like it always, but maybe if it's dark out he will escape but it's way more difficult with sunshine. The chief would make sure that the guards will be double pack that day, and Geno has to leave and make sure that the chase him and only him to talk alone.

~Chief Death
Chief death would make sure he would keep a keen eye on Geno this time. He's not sure what Geno is planning but he will get the answers he wants out of him. Death told Geno he wants him right next to him on the day he was buried. Geno of course said sure but he was going to look at the gravestone that the man he hurt got killed because of him.

Geno was sorry he killed him by injecting him with the wrong medicine on the night he was going to survive but died 9 minutes before midnight. Geno knows he could have saved him by giving him the right kind but failed and gave him the deadly kind and his body couldn't take it anymore and gave up. Geno was terrified at what he had done, so he hold the chief that he would let him get caught and bring his friend to a safe place (Deaths friend didn't die he was given a drink to make him look like he died but he's still on the island that the prison was on). Geno was going to tell death that he didn't die but he wants the chief to be real surprise about his best friend.

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