chapter 5

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 now the group has rested up. they prepare to head to the insect base.Leona now we need to head to the bug main base. Orin well then count us in. he begins to smile. yule come on lets go. Henry i am here to. he smiles. garth this should be good. rey we can do this. maru lets go. jugo this is it. miyuki we will win. takashi we will get our sister back. leader it seems that those warriors are here. we will deal with them. if you want to face the leader you will need to go through us. they begin to send out some bug. yule lets take them down. she begins to smile. the women with the mask begins to smile. now i want to fight them. she climbs on her partner. Leona now we are going to stop you. Leona now lets take these insects down. she begins to attack her with a weapon. shadow hey i am here with you. thank you. the prince lumin and Nathaniel arrive. the prince begins to attack some of them. that was really good. he begins to smile a little.

why are you here? we thought you could use help.  Nathaniel  hands Leona a weapon. Leona now we have the power to win. she uses her weapon to attack her. blood begins to drip. i am not going to lose this battle! tears begin to run down her face. yule she uses her weapon. now we need to take care of these guys. you head to the leader. okay. she begins to move fast. you will not get away. Orin now you need to go. he uses his lance to attack him. blood begins to drip. so you two have finally come. he begins to smile. Leona you are going down. she uses a weapon to attack him. you are still not strong enough. you are still to weak. he uses a weapon to attack her. garth i want to fight this women. jugo i will face her to. so both warriors want to fight me? this should be good. she uses a weapon to attack them. miyuki we are here to. takashi take this.

he uses a blade. it seems my siblings have joined the battle? this should be good. she goes to attack them. miyuki we will win. i know we can. she goes to attack her.

 garth this time i will beat you. he goes to attack her. i am going to win. they use there weapons to attack each other. garth i have won. jugo time to finish this. he goes to attack her. the girl falls to the ground. you fought well. i am not done yet. rey lets do this. maru okay lets go. they use there weapons to attack her. maru do you know where our sisters are? i have fought against them. her mask cracks. i will try and help you.

you will finish the fight. the leader looks at them. you will not free. miyuki we will stop her. takashi this is good. he uses a blade to attack her. garth this is good. he smiles. jugo now lets take her down. they use there blades. the creature looks at them. this is great. it attacks them. the mask breaks. now i am free. takashi now lets free our sister. they use some weapons. the mask falls off. now i am free. my control is broken. lets see if you can beat me.

you are going to fight us. i may be old but i still have some fight in me. he begins to use his weapon to strike him. blood begins to drip. now time to show the final step in my plan. he shows them some items. he begins to use them. Leona now we are going to need some help. Orin now you are going down. he stab one of them. blood drips down his face. i am sorry leader. he falls to the down. now we need to help her out. a giant monster appears. we need to gather the power of all of the warriors. Leona huh it looks like everyone is here. shadow i can feel the power. this is good. the masked girl appears.

i have this for you. this sword is strong enough. Leona now we can use this to beat him. she uses a sword to stab him. and slashes him. blood begins to fall. how could this be. i can,t lose here. even if you beat me. there are different creatures that are much stronger than me. he begins to laugh. i was close to ruling them. we really did it. Orin begins to hug her. sorry  Leona this is nice. so i guess we should get out of here. they begin to leave. you guys really did it. the people begin to smile. now what are you going to do now? well i could find away back.

Leona well i guess this is goodbye. Orin it was good fight with you. Henry you were really skilled. yule thank you for helping me find my mother. makito appears. you have all done well. a women looks at the masked girl. you were being controlled by evil. but now you are free. i hope so. jugo i am glad you are back. aquino it feels good to be back. she smiles. miyuki this is good. takashi we are together again. rey that was a good battle. maru you were strong. prince luman you should be okay. Leona this was fun. i will do my best to help you find your sisters. rey thank you. makito are you ready to return? lyon i hope to see you again. Leona i will see you all again. shadow are you going to stay here. well i am not really sure. i have traveled this place for a really long time. i want to see what your home is like. makito time to return. she shows her face. wow she looks really pretty. they all smile.

huh what is this light? hey wake up. Leona who is there? she looks and sees her friends. rika everyone you are here. she begins to smile. so where did you go? well i want to this other city with big monsters. it was really cool. rika that sounds nice. i could use some food. she goes to a house. my daughter has finally come back home. her eyes begin well up. hello mom i am finally back home. what is that thing? this is shadow. it is really nice to meet you. wow this is really good. she begins to smile while eating the food. i wonder if what the leader said was true. so you fought some kind of bug army have you heard of them? yes i have. well we beat them. she laughs a little. i wonder what the other cities are like? i am sure that you will find out one day.

yes you are right. it feels really nice to be back here. i am glad that i was able to come back here. she looks up at the sky. the sun looks really nice. the food was really good. i am finally back home. i can,t wait to see what my next adventure will be like. shadow i am not sure. but i will be by your side. you are right. yes you are right. her eyes begin to well up with tears. her mother goes to hug her. it is okay. she begins to smile. my little girl has finally come home. he begins to smile. now we can finally have a little fun. they begin to run. hey slow down. they begin to run around. saichi this is good. rick we heard you went to the city where those warriors live.

Leona yes i did. kazuke so you met prince lumin and those other warriors? Leona yes i met them. Orin and yule were strong. i fought this masked women. and these insects were scary. and i met the legendary hero brade. he was strong. rick this is good. yuki this is nice. we should get going. rey we should head back. maru come on lets go. they begin to leave. yule i think i will head back to the castle. i need to see how the people are doing. jugo we should return to our town. aquino we will see you guys. miyuki take care. takeshi that was nice. Henry i should train. Orin i will head home. Nathaniel yeah me to. lyon my family should be here. merida i am glad you are safe. lague we were worried. her siblings look at her. lets head home.

brade i should see how my family is doing. makito i think i will see how my family is doing. i know they are safe. you guys did good. i need to return to my family. lumin i should head back to the castle. his parents look at him. i see you are back. lumin it feels good to be back.

 in another city. come on drago we could do he is really good. two people begin to watch him. okay now take this. the dragon shoots fire at the enemy. i guess that is game. hey runo michru did you guys see me. the screen shows there faces. wow that was really cool. hey you guys must be the new kids on the block. the area begins to return to normal. wow that was really cool. i wish we had a really cool partner like drago. don,t worry i am sure that you will one day. he begins to smile. you are right. takashi you are right. senna this is good. well that was good.

the boy looks at them. that was a good battle. senna we fought with creatures before. takashi come on lets go. this is cool. they walk around the city. we will get to use creatures like that. senna you are right. i should go. the boy begins to leave. Dan i am sure my friends are doing good. in another part of the city. michru this is good. i am glad you like it. i am sure my friends are doing good. the creature looks at him. i can,t wait to battle. runo looks around her house. i should see how dan is doing. shinji uses a weapon. that was good.

you have improved. they eat some food. i am glad you are doing good. shinji hello mother. i wonder if there is going to be a tournament? Julie looks around her place. i guess i should where this. her parents look at her. you look nice. Julie thank you. i should get going. asami looks around. this is nice. i should go. she walks outside of the place. time to get to work. kouji looks around. this is good. he heads to another area. a creature looks around. i need more energy. very soon i will be free. grazel i hope dan and the others will be able to face this threat. i am sure they will.

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