Pepper and I started talking to Wanda about a new makeup trend and the minutes flew by. It was well into the night and we were all still going. I knew I needed to break Steve away sooner rather then later. That way we could have more time to do certain actions.

At the end of each sentence, my eyes found their way over to Steve. They shot to his shoulders and I imagined my hands gripping them. They dragged to his hips where my legs found their own personal spot as if my name was etched into his skin, claiming it as my own. I wasn't sure how long I had been staring, but when Steve caught me, I immediately blushed and turned my gaze back to Pepper and Wanda. I had to blink fast to bring my focus back to the girls' conversation.

"It's really nice, you should try it." Wanda finished just as I caught the tail end. I shot her a quick grin, letting her know that I was listening...when I really wasn't.

"Can I steal Miss Y/N away from you ladies?" Steve had found his way over to us in the midst of the staring contest. His hands found their way to my waist as he stood over me, grinning at Wanda and Pepper.

"Yeah of course." Pepper smirked, shooting me a wink. I think she knew what we were playing. "Have fun." I heard her say as Steve took my hand, pulling us away from the party. Soon we were back out in the hotel lobby and he rushed toward the elevators.

"Where are we going?" I asked amused, glancing at our connected hands and then up at his face. He brought his free hand up to his face, pushing a piece of hair behind his hair as we waited for the elevator.

Steve waited until we were alone behind the closing doors on the elevator to answer me. "You know." He grunted. Steve turned his body, facing me entirely, his body encompassing against the elevator wall. His head craned down, hand placed next to my head, lips getting closer and closer to my own. I broke the invisible barrier that was between us, crashing my lips to his, reaching my hands up to grab his face. If it were to stop and someone were to see us, we would probably be reprimanded for such a heated action.

The elevator dinged, startling us, and opening to reveal the large mirror and table that were on the wall opposite the elevators. It was a peculiar decoration, and as soon as we saw it, we started laughing, looking at ourselves in the mirror.

"Even in the reflection I want to have at you." Steve leant down and whispered in my ear, his voice was low and deep. I reached my hand up to touch his cheek, placing a soft kiss to his lips. His arms snuck around my body, lifting me up and spinning me around. When my feet were back on the ground, my chest still touching his, I kept my hand on his neck, placing my forehead to his. In that quick second something switched inside of us both, where we had just been laughing, there was now a completely different look in both of our eyes.

I took in a deep breath, the smell of him fresh at the tip of my nose. I could sit here forever, just staring at him, but there was something I wanted more, something I found myself craving so much more and it was all at my doing.

Stepping back, away from Steve I twined my hand with his like I was knitting a scarf, his palm was soft, his fingers calloused at the tips. Smirking at him, I backed toward the hallway; his eyes were dead on me, staring straight through me like he had x-ray vision and was taking off my dress with his mind.

I had to admit I couldn't wait to see it adorning the floor of our room, accompanied by his clothes as well.

I continued pulling him to our door, thankfully our room wasn't too far down the hallway or else the janitors would have to be picking up after us, and I bet they wouldn't be happy about it.

His hands slit to my bum as I brought out the key-card to open the door. It was only a matter of time before we were inside and having at each other.

Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now