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Just another day,with a head full of chaotic cuts and undesirable pains,the man fought his inner self trying to overcome his fears and escape the disasters which lead him to his present state.
Only a diversion,if only just a diversion which would make him escape out from his present state for a split of a second and after that all of the realities would come flooding back.He would again return to his old self,the old self who's fighting the harsh realities.
He would appear before people with a fixed smile on his face.The smile portrayed as a mask which hid his inner problems. Never did they come to know what he was going through and never did he tell them.What would they have done if they had known?Nevertheless it was not their battle
With the passage of time,the intensity of the unanswered voices increased.He continued to suffer.His state of anarchy and anxiety could not be explained into words.He continued to sit in the corner of his dark room with his hairs gripped by his hands,his head down,his teeth clattering with the voices calling him..

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