Muke~The way you take away my breath

Start from the beginning

"I mean yeah, sometimes I'll go in the shower and Luke will just join in," Michael says conversationally, like it's nothing out of the ordinary that two grown people will just hop in the shower together. "It's no biggie, we're a band y'know, we've been friends for years." he shrugs and Luke gulps, nearly swallowing his tongue as he feels every single pair of eyes in the room bore into him and his face flushes eighteen different shades of red and pink.

The interviewer laughs it off with Michael and the conversation continues like nothing ever happened, but Luke doesn't forget. He knows their fans won't either, and neither will their management and especially Ashton and Calum. Oh, how he's dreading Ashton's scolding speech that's about to come.


The second they leave the room and it's just the four of them, Ashton's lip twitches the way it always does when he's angry is about to explode and Luke can sense the lecture before it even begins and he tries to brace himself.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Ashton spits at Michael angrily, pointing a blaming finger at him and never giving him a chance to try and defend himself as he goes on. "You can't just tell the whole world that you and Luke shower together! That's not what normal band mates do, that's not what best friends do- that's what couples do. You can't do things like that, we've been over this a billion times, Michael!"

Michael doesn't even flinch, nor does he try to fake looking sorry. They've had this fight so many times before. Michael would blurt some idiotic comment he can't take back and everyone would be pissed, Luke would hug him and tell him it's okay because he doesn't care and they can just brush it off, their fans dig it anyway. Then Luke would talk to Ashton and Calum and calm them down and eventually send them off to calm their management down as well. This has happened so many times before, they're all pretty used to it by now.

"Why won't he ever think before he speaks? Goddamn it!" Ashton mutters under his breath, mostly to himself, or maybe to Calum, as he walks off and storms into their dressing room as the three of them trail behind like lost infants.

Calum gives Michael an angry, disappoint and exhausted look as he picks up his pace to follow Ashton into the room. "You just had to piss him off, didn't you!" he calls at Michael behind his shoulder before he slams the door behind them to make a point that the happy couple is currently unwanted there. At least they're in there together, Calum always manages to ease Ashton's rage somehow.

Luke sighs, looking down at his feet as they walk in the direction of the parking lot where their car will be waiting to take them back to their hotel where they're going to rest before their big concert tonight.

"Did you do it just to spite Ash because he wouldn't let you leave the hotel at five in the morning to play Pokémon Go?" Luke asks as they wave their driver hello and climb into the car, knowing Ash and Cal would need some time alone and away from Michael and Luke, so they don't wait for them and just head to their hotel.

"No!" Michael rolls his eyes and huffs, crossing his arms over his chest like an angry child whose mother wouldn't buy him the toy he wants so bad. "That'd be a great way to get back at him, but no that's not why I said what I said." He adds with another roll of his pretty, green eyes.

Luke can't admit that out loud when Michael's this moody, but he looks so hot when he's mad. His cheeks are always flushed and his eyes sparkle even more than they normally do and his nose always twitches adorably.

"Why did you, then?" Luke asks, despite his raging need to jump into Michael's lap and kissing the hell out of him, he needs to solve this one first before he can have any fun with Michael.

"You already know why, Luke," Michael stops looking at Luke and he looks outside his window instead. It's a sunny summer day in New York and there are so many people walking around outside in the July heat, Michael's curious eyes scan everything and everyone he sees as he continues talking. "Don't play dumb, we don't have to have this conversation every time I accidentally say something."

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