Chapter 15

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Your P.O.V
I pick up my phone, twirling my (h/c) hair in between my fingers, it was getting too long for my liking.
I should get it cut soon
"Hello, Miss Ukine. We have called to tell you, well, that we have your boyfriend, and if you ever want to see him again, come to the warehouse 5 minutes south of your precious café. Alone." A deep male's voice rung through the phone.
"Ha, but I think you mistaken, my boyfriend is here with me." I say making my way to where the rest of the task force and L are. But when I get into the room, L wasn't there.
"I don't think we are, miss. Here, for you, we'll let you hear his voice." The man said and after a few seconds of silence, L's voice came from the opposite end.
"Miss Ukine? Is that you? This is Ryu, they have appeared to have kidnapped me and are using me as hostage-" I hung up, grabbed two knives from the kitchen, and tell the task force I was getting a haircut.
I hopped into my (f/c) car and drove to where the abductors have L captive. I stopped in front of a rather small warehouse. I was going to apprehend these thugs. Thankfully, while I was in Wammy's, my extra curicular class was capeoria, a type of martial arts. I rounded the perimeter of the building, looking for other entrances or exits. I had found one, the door slightly ajar. I peaked one eye through to see two men, both well equipted standing guard.
I aimed at one of the men that was closer, slowly pulling out one of the metal killing devices I had with me. In one swift motion, the knife left my hand, and plunged itself deep into the man's chest. He fell to the ground, as I made my way to a near by cabinet that will suffice as cover. The second guard found his dead friend, screaming and mourning, revenge clear in his eyes. Silently, I appeared behind the poor man's back, similar to ones shadow. If one was to seach the scene, the second kitchen knife I had brought with me would be found in his throat. I searched the corpses and found two pistols, both with only one round of ammunition, but it will have to do because not one second after I had found the gun, the other three guards stormed into the room, no doubt alerted by the cries of their fallen teammates. I had turned around and fired both guns in a random array. One luckily hit its target in abdomen, bringing him down. The other missed. Completely. The two remaining men began to open fire from their handguns, the echoes of the shells could be heard throughout the abandoned warehouse. I felt a sharp pain erupt from my hip as I took cover behind the cabinet. Shocked and tearing from the intense pain, I lifted up my shirt to check the wound. There was a whole with the exact diameter of the bullets found in this somewhat southern shooting.
With clenched teeth, I checked my surroundings, noticing that the only pieces of furniture in the room were this cabinet and a few chairs. I tried to piece together some sort of plan while peeking out of my hiding place to take a couple shots at the enemy. I managed to take yet another gunman down, while the third remained. I peeked out once more to release another bullet but nothing happened. No click on the barrel turning, no whish of the bullet dancing through the air, and no guy dead on the floor. I was out of ammunition, but thankfully so was my opponent. I hopped over the wooden cabinet, earning myself a small splinter.
Putting my studies of capeoria to use, I planted my hands on the ground and struck the guard on the jaw with my foot. He grabbed onto my hair and pulled causing me to yelp in pain, while I kicked him in the groin, earning a groan from him. He let go as I feel to the ground, landing on my foot in an uncomfortable position. Once more my hands meet the ground as my legs lock behind his neck. I pull and he falls to the concrete floor face first, knocking him out.
I searched for a weapon but found none to finish the man with, except for my kitchen knifes, but when I tried to pull them out, they broke at the handle, rendering them useless. I just had to move on weapon less. I sighed in defeat as I walked to the door, my hip throbbing from the pain of being shot.
I lightly pushed it open as a loud creak resonated from the door, alerting my enemies.
Of course, just my luck.
I heard no footsteps so I decided to head deeper into my doom. In the larger empty room, there was a scrawny short man in a pristine, white suit and L tied to a chair. An empty rice bag was discarded to the side.
"Ahh, miss. Ukine, you decided to come." The midget said, without turning around.
Oh shit, that's scary.
" too?" I ask, not really sure where short stack is taking this conversation.
"I am surprised that you managed to defeat my guards."
"Thanks for the faith in me, you bastard." I sneer.
"Language like that isn't necessary." The man said turning around. He was ugly, which was expected. What was in expected was the throwing knife now headed straight for my forehead.
I quickly fell to the floor, avoiding the knife. Or so I thought. Burning pain rushed through my body and scarlet drops flowed on the floor. I felt around my head, trying to find where the knife ended up. My fingers finally found the hilt and made their way down the blade, until they hit my left eye. The knife had pierced my eyelid and sunk deep into my eyeball. I slowly pulled the knife out and located the man, his back once more to me, obviously thinking I was dead. L's head hung low as he must have seen what happened. I pushed myself off the ground and advanced towards the enemy. With the knife in my hand, I sliced at the man, scratching his back, gaining his attention. His once white suit forever stained red. He raised his fist to punch me but I stopped it in my hand. He had a face filled with terror as I wasted no time to slit his throat.
L looked up, his black rimmed eyes widening. "(Y/n)! Your eye!"
"It's miss. (Y/n) to you, I still haven't forgiven you." I bend down and cut of the ropes that bound him to a chair.
"Thank you, what can I do to repay this favor?" L begged, rubbing his raw wrists.
"Oh, don't worry it's on me." I say, placing my hand on my hip, killing the guards sure took a toll on me.
"Just like back at the café, miss (y/n), do you ever change?" L said. Those being the last words I heard due to the fact that I passed out.

I awoke in the hospital bed, connected to a saline machine. I sat up.
How did I get here again?
All of a sudden, the memories came flooding into my brain. My eyes widened. Or eye. I reach up with a shaking hand to touch my left eye, but instead, my finger were met with the material of a eyepatch.
So it was real...
I slump back into the bed. I heard voices outside as people passed by, no doubt to visit their precious family member or friend.
Is anyone here to see me?
I look around the empty room, the only things inside were the medical equipment, me, and L.
Wait, L?!
My eyes fall back onto the raven haired man. He was seated in his patented position, with his feet gripping the cushion like a brd of prey would to a branch. Soft snores filled the room as L must have been asleep.
Aww, I wish I could hug him. No (y/n), he betrayed you, you could never love him. But if I don't love him, why did I go through all this trouble? It's probably because he is against KIRA and we need all the help we can get. Yeah...
Suddenly, the door opened, making me jump up. A middle aged, male doctor poked his head through,"Ahh, miss. Ukine, you're awake."
"Good morning? Excuse me, but could I trouble you with the time?" I ask, trying to be as polite as possible.
"Oh it's 7 p.m., two days after we your husband found you. You're very lucky, you were shot in the hip, lost an eye, and sprained your ankle. If your husband didn't carry you here, you would have died. Ya know, he has been here the entire time, normally we would kick visitors out after an hour, but since he clearly cares about you, we'll let him stay." The doctor said, his words catching my attention.
Husband... cares about you...
"Oh thank you, he worries about me too much sometimes." I laugh, a sharp pain erupting in my hip, making me wince.
"Even I was worried if you would live, but don't try walking yet, your ankle still needs some time to heal." He said, pushing me back into the bed.
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but can I get a haircut? I don't like my eyepatch showing." I ask, it was a rather uncomfortable question to ask but he didn't seem to mind.
"Oh yeah, I'll call a nurse to do that for you." He said pressing a button, to call a nurse. "She will come in a minute, I'll check back with you in the morning."
I was bored and seeing as I had nothing better to do, I began to sing.
- play the music now! -

We were making history
Breaking rules and breaking free
Questioning the writing on the wall
Coming from the underground
Laughing as we're falling down
Soaking in the glory of it all

But in dark times when we close our eyes
It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare
When the sun don't shine we lose our minds
But I swear, we can get there

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world

Someday we could run away
See it all before the pictures fade
And bottle up the feeling in a jar
Pass around to all our friends
We can breathe it in and out again
Huddled in the backseat of the car

But in dark times when we close our eyes
It's a nightmare, it's a nightmare
When the sun don't shine we lose our minds
But I swear, we can get there

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world

And the voices will get loud
If you never learn to shut them out
If you're lost you can be found
If you follow me until you hear the sound
Put 'em up, put 'em up now
If you know we're never backing down
We're never backing down, no

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world

We've got young blood
Can't destroy us
We make our own luck in this world
We've got young blood
No one chose us
We make our own love in this world
Yeah, cause we've got young blood

I finished my solo as I turned to the doorway, only see the nurse the cheering. I giggled, as she smiled.
"So how do you want it cut?"

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