Chapter One: Meeting the Winchesters

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(By the way, Amara here doesnt have an idea who the winchesters are in the first place. She dont really listen to the rumors going on hell. Heck, she doesnt even know who killed her dad because like i said, she doesnt give a single crap in the world like a demon she is.)

(This book takes place before season 11)

Amara's POV

Hi my name is amara and i was your regular crossroad demon. Red eyes, bitchface, and so on, i stereotypically had it except that im retired to this kind of things. Making deals and such, im so over it. It got boring. I do know that its not easy to escape this life but luckily, you know crowley? King of hell? Of course, you do...who am i kidding? Hes famous and all such and fortunately, im somehow related to him. Im his niece, no big deal. So i pleaded him and got off of it. Easy right? Nah...even though hes my uncle, i dont have that leverage. Demons doesnt care about that but as crossroads demons, we do make deals. 100 souls and im out of it. So after 2 years of kissin and dealin, im finally free from hell. Well not really, i do visit my fave uncle once or twice a month.

You remember how i told you i have red eyes? Guess again, my good ol uncle changed my eye color to yellow. Signifying that im a high ranker and can do whatever i want, whenever i want, and also, out of hell's grids. No demon minions on my butt. Simply means, that im a free demon like mr. Azazel was. From what i know, there are just about less than 20 of us yellow eyed demon considering its a rare type of demon. Well in my case, its just a trademark. Enough of my past, lets get back to present shall we?

Oh and by the way, before i tell you my story, let me describe to you first my wonderful background. I was born in hell to uncle crowley's sister, my mom, and my dad, alastair, who is dead, eh whatever. Im about 200 years old but i do look like a 30ish woman which is nice. Us demons dont age that quick ya know. I have long black hair, brown eyes, 5 foot 4 blah blah not that you care about. Anyways, im just gonna tell you my story now.

So, 7 months after my release, i was living the life. I finally got an apartment at lebanon, Kansas and a sweetass car as well, a 1967 ford fairlane. Thanks to uncle crowley, i got infinite money in the banks which is great. 100 souls does good for your reputation, amirite? Well, it was part of the deal hehe. Anyways, i also took care of that sulfur smell problem, thanks to my witch friend, Brotus, i got rid of that smell so i can do my own business with no hunters up my butt. But i still do avoid devil traps and stuff and like azazel, holy water does work on me no more. Being pure demon does you good too. No one can exorcise you, fun right? And these past months, i also became a vampire/werewolf hunter. I recently just discovered that im good at hunting which was pretty fantastic actually. I even met hunters here and there and funny, they dont even have a clue that im a demon which is not to be known because honestly, im starting to like this stuff. Besides hunting these creatures for me is just a piece of cake and it gives me a whole different kind of high. You know what im saying? Im a demon, remember? And yeah i know, im a demon that is a hunter haha. My life was going great until i met them.

It was a wonderful day. Im chillin at home wearing black skinny jeans, white top, and a black plaid overshirt. What? I was out buying hygiene products. And now, Im sitting in my living room with Lieu (short for Lieutenant) beside me,my sleeping, huge black doberman, i got from my uncle. Hes quarter hellhound, his got this red eyes from his hellhound side, i know weird right? But eh, who cares? I was watching some corny movies when there was a knock at my door. Being a demon and such, you dont have a care anymore may it be a killer, besides you cant be killed by a regular human. So I opened my door without looking in the peep hole and was confronted by two very tall guys in suits.

"Hi maam. Special agent banner and this is my partner, special agent stark", the taller one with long brown hair said. "We just want to ask a few questions if thats okay?"

1 week off is all what im asking, please....

"Agents, im fellow special agent winchester, off duty for now, how may i help you?", i asked holding up my "badge" i got from the back pocket of my jeans. Winchester, thats the alias ive been using for a while. I got that from my favorite gun, genius right?

The moment i said my name, the two gentlemen flinched which got me really suspicious.

The shorter one with beautiful green eyes cleared his throat and began to speak. "Anyways, we just want to ask if you know a guy by the name of George McDowell? Hes the guy across from your room?"

"Nahhhh. i dont even know anyone in this building. Im barely here anyways. Talking bout jobs amirite?", i replied earning a nod from shorty. "What happened to that guy anyways?"

Agent banner skimmed through his files and said.
"Well apparently, he got murdered last night. Scratches all over his body and..."

"A missing heart?", i interrupted. Ive been looking for this infamous werewolf in my building for a while now but being that i dont really give a crap in humanity and a lazy ass i am, i gave it a break. Well, until now. "Ive been on that case for 2 weeks now"

"Do you have any suspects at all?", stark asked eyeing me up and down which i really dont care. "Or witness?"

"Well, suspects, none. But i do have one witness, myself." I answered. "Come on in, ill tell you all ive known about this investigation"

These agents might as well help through this case. They might as well be my perfect bait so i can easily catch this meanie. You see this werewolf hunts his prey at exactly 12 in the morning. Apparently, hes no ordinary werewolf. Hes a pureblood, can turn anytime he wants, no need of a full moon. And hes completely in control of what everything that is happening to him. His favorite hunting place is the alleyway beside my apartment building. I always go there to be a bait but unfortunately, he probably knows im a demon and well, demons are not exactly a good meal.

So i told them everything i know. Everything that will not make them think im crazy or something. I also told them that the murders always take place at the alleyway at the evening. I hope they investigate this one so i can finally set up a perfect plan to kill this son of a bitch.

Later on, 11: 46in the evening...

There i was at the rooftop of my apartment armed with a sniper loaded with silver bullets and a silencer, waiting for the unsuspected werewolf. From this distance, i hope he wont sense me. Poor agents, nearing their own deaths. Theyve been sitting on a 1967 chevrolet impala by the alleyway. Oh damn, that car looks a lot like mine. These guys have good taste. Theyve been there an hour ago probably waiting for something to happen. They have no clue theyre about to die. 10 minutes later, there it was the howling. The agents clearly heard it and were seemed to be startled. They quickly pull out their gun on one hand and from what i can see through snipe, they seemed to be holding a silver knife on the other hand. They seem to know what they were doing. Well theyre feds after all. I dont really know what a fed does anyways.

The two gentlemen were now at the middle of the alleyway when finally, mr. Barky showed up. Barky pounced on top of shorty, disarming the both of them in the process, while gigantor jumped on top of barky as well. From what i can see, the two of them is really fighting off this bitch. Damn, well trained feds they are. Gigantor finally pinned down barky while shorty reached for his knife. Nope, not tonight. This is my kill, hot stuff.

I quickly targeted the forehead of mr. Barky and fired two shots. Bullseye! 10 points for amara! Luckily, gigantors head is not on the way or else its his fault hell be dead. The two of them was probably shocked by my stunt cause shorty quickly looked up and fired his gun on my way. Fortunately, i quickly evaded but dammit, one bullet pierced in my shoulder, like i care. I ran down the stairs and proceeded to my room. Damn those feds, i saved your ass for crowley's sake!

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