
18 0 3

I decided to take a walk which ended with horns
Honking like a herd of geese.
I am a swimmer struggling through the waters of reality,
Eyes open, No breath.

I open my eyes to clouds that are dirty stains on a blue ceiling.
The pain is gone, replaced by a numbness that soothes all
Coldness away. Cement is the hard bread on which blood-red
Jam is spread. My hair ruffles like the feathers of a bird, longing to be free.
The wind is my mother, caressing my head, stroking
Confusion and Shock away. Siren's echo in the distance,
receding into a long, dark tunnel. Ghost fingers press into
My body, lifting me up into the sky until I am like a planet
Spinning, spinning, unable to stop.

Voices are the sea, rushing back and forth in my ears, just
Like the blood which pounds through my body, which spreads over
The hard, grey bread. Between the roaring of the waves I hear, "...Accident ..." and
"...Operating Immediately..." The lights are flickering like my battery is
Dying, my candle is going out. Unconsciousness attaches its mouth on
Me, draining away my life, leaving nothing but an empty shell behind.

My eyelids are granite blocks, and giving up the struggle they crash
Down, shutting out emotion, feeling and sensation.

I decided to take a walk.

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