North Mexico (An Oc)

43 2 4

Words used to find this picture: boy with brown hair and green eyes anime

I really am (not) shocked that Spain, Romano, Greece, and Japan showed up for this. Do you know how hard it was to find a person that did NOT look like Spain!?

Any way, let's get to that OC...

Name: Felipe Garcia (or whatever South's last name is)

Age: 19 in human years and 190 in country years

Personality: Kind and compassionate if he likes you. If he doesn't like you better run, fool.

Dislikes: People in pain, people caring about his wounds, feeling helpless and useless.

Likes: Turtles, tamales, helping

Greatest fear (phobia): Someone dying on him. He also has claustrophobia

Would be caught singing along to:

And that's about it.

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