Escape Plans

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Soon after we both went home. I was once again in my room. It started getting dark but I was busy making escape plans. My plan was for Wednesday night. I didnt wanna wait too long or else we both might loose all our memories by then. My plan was for Wednesday night, we were bit going to sneak out and meet up. After we meet up we have to crawl to the place she took me so none of the night guards see us. Once we both get there we were both going to swing as hard as we could with both our hammers and hopefully with one swing it will shatter and we run for it into the woods that wasn't too far from here as I kinda remembered. After that I tried to play this game but I couldn't play because I realized I forgot all my favorite things, like my favorite color,food and so on... I was sad but I went to bed. I had one more day to check everything out with Adriana. As I drifted to sleep all I could think about was Brianna and how much I really missed her.

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