White screams

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Anyway as I was saying, I turned the doorknob and was confronted with a picture; I can't quite remember what the picture was of but it was full of despair, I heard footsteps coming or maybe just sounds but I then hid away in a small closet or room. The doors opened and they both pulled me out, one was holding a gun to my head; and I just remember screaming and crying.

One was holding my wrist tightly and it hurt really bad, and they pulled me back into the room; I tried to escape but my arms just flailed and I hit the floor in a rough and painful spasm. Then the room twisted again around me; and if I remember right one man shouted at me to get up, and I didn't at first; so then I felt two arms lift my back up sideways. I then fell squarely on the bed sobbing, wiping away the snot and tears before they left me alone in the room by myself.

Then later a nurse came in with sad eyes and golden, or maybe it was brown hair but I remember how beautiful she looked, tall and thin with red lips. It was almost like she was my guardian angel, she offered her hand out which at first made me flinch; I think it was the thought she was going to hurt me, but then I lended her my hand. She swiftly pulled out a small metallic pincer with a glowing orb, and nipped my skin with it; it didn't hurt but small drops of blood slowly streamed down my dirty blackened skin, I then remember falling back into the bed; and watched as she left the room slowly pacing herself and walking away...

I could've sworn she had wings as I fell into my deep sleep, but whatever they gave me, could have made me delusional. After about a week or so I woke up, it could have been a month I guess or something around that time, then I realized my skin was clean; like, well it was like... when you see a glass of water and you tip it sideways and a small layer can be seen covering the top, which almost looks like liquid metal but it's really just the surface of the water; well that's what my skin almost looked like. I kept touching my arm that day, never had I been so clean, never...

"Can I stop, I really... I really can't remember anymore..." I clenched my head, talking about my past really gave me a headache, it's more painful to remember then forget.

"If you want to, well it's already late; I can send a Zypher for you if you'd like?" The man said holding up his communicator; ready to send a message back to the station.

"No... I'll just take Lycurgus back to the complex, see you tomorrow morning..." He nodded as I left the small office, as I walked through the doorway my head cleared and my pristine uniform shone in the brightly lit hallways; the walls all a special white translucent hexagonal pattern and the floors followed suite but in ceramic tiles. Scientists walked past me heatedly holding their tech-pods, I slowly entered the elevator; which made it's way in no time to a much larger part of the Eunomia Hall; the voice of the robotic mainframe chimed in...

"Station Eunomia, welcome, would you like a free ticket to the stars...!" I spoke excitedly after hearing her say these words...

"Yes! Oh god yes!" Yet it was all but a message as her voice cut me off...

"...Then enter the American Remembrance Race to win, remember only half of our nation is going to space; have you chosen your lucky family members to go?" Tears dripped down my face as the feeling of disappointment swelled in my brain, my headache had been brought back. The elevator doors opened revealing a gleaming station, a window showed holographic images of what our planet used to look like, I tried not to look as beautiful cities were shown; their skyscrapers towering over the land with small hover cars flying in straight lines like a thousand shining bees. These images were shown for hope, but for me they were just painful memories; how could I even call them memories, I have spent my entire life underground and never visited the surface, never visited the real world.

I kicked myself for screaming words in my head, it never helped; it is more of a habit really. I looked around; only a few lonely souls stood around me, they were worn down, no hope, no life, no heart, they were really more like robots; and I would know, I lost my heart ages ago... my senses were returned, classical music played in a loop over the INTERCOM, the Ultors said it was to confide a sense of poignancy and status within the wealthier world; to show how lucky we were to be alive after such a devastating war. Others called this the second Dark Age; I agreed with them, you couldn't help not agreeing with others. The mainframe spoke once again, her voice far away and annoying; the sound of buzzing could be heard and then from the midst of the tunnel, a pale blue light shone brightly...

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