Chapter 15: Lorelei, The Ice Mistress

Start from the beginning

"Dewgong, the Sea Lion Pokemon. In snow the pure white coat covering its body obscures it from predators." I clenched my teeth as I looked at Celebi. I pulled out her pokeball quickly.

"Celebi, get a rest. You were amazing." She disappeared. I grabbed another pokeball from my belt. "Articuno, let's show her what a real ice Pokemon looks like!" She appeared ready for an icy battle.

"I see, Articuno, the ice mistress. Quite the Pokemon. Dewgong use Surf!" A giant wave appeared coming directly towards us.

"Articuno up!" Articuno stood her ground. "Articuno!" She looked back at me. "I understand you don't want us to get hurt, but it's just water! Please dodge!" She finally spread her wings and quickly flew up into the air. I stepped in front of Umbreon as the water crashed into us. "Articuno Sheer Cold!" I called out from the ground as the water knocked me down. I watched the blast of ice collide with Dewgong, Lorelei was smirking, but the second she saw Dewgong hit the ground she looked utterly confused and amazed.

"Dewgong is unable to battle, therefore the winner is Articuno." I smirked, getting up with Umbreon as Lorelei returned her Pokemon.

"How is that possible?" She asked confused.

"For someone who is an ice-type trainer you don't know about the most powerful ice-type move? Sheer Cold is a one hit O.K. move if it hits, even Dewgong a water and ice type Pokemon wouldn't be able to withstand the attack." She looked at me as if I had cheated or something.

"You had to use a cheap move like that to win?" I shook my head.

"Articuno would have beat Dewgong regardless, you just assume I can't beat you because you're so self-centered. Newsflash someone out there is going to be better than you." She glared at me.

"Enough! Let's go Jynx!" I pulled out my pokedex again.

"Jynx, the Human Shape Pokemon. It rocks its body rhythmically. It appears to alter the rhythm depending on how it is feeling." I grabbed Articuno's pokeball.

"Thank you Articuno for everything." I pulled out a new pokeball. "Let's burn brightly together Moltres!" He cried loudly as he appeared.

"A fire-type? So predictable." Lorelei chuckled, I smirked.

"Moltres let's start this off with Flamethrower!" The heat was so intense I had to step back. All my pokemon's powers have grown sharply.

"This heat...Jynx use Psychic!" Lorelei commanded, but even Jynx couldn't stop rolling heat flames and was thrown back into the wall.

"My Pokemon..." I muttered lightly.

"Well it's time for the final battle. Let's go Cloyster!" I pulled out my pokedex one last time.

"Cloyster, the Bivalue Pokemon. Once it slams its shell shut, it is impossible to open, even by those with superior strength." I returned Moltres and looked down at Umbreon.

"You're up buddy." She smiled and jumped forward quickly.

"Your Umbreon will fall here, Cloyster Ice Beam! Chill that annoying Umbreon!" I chuckled as I watched the Ice Beam forming. "Why are you laughing?"

"My Pokemon and I have worked incredible hard to get to this point and for us to lose to someone like you would be insulting. Umbreon dodge and use Dark Pulse! Show them what it feels like to be alone in the dark!" Umbreon quickly moved out of the way and blasted Cloyster into the wall.

"Cloyster is unable to battle, therefore the winners are Umbreon and Kat of Pallet Town." Umbreon turned sharply and jumped into my arms as I spun her around.

"We did it Umbreon. It's all thanks to you, Articuno, Moltres and Celebi's hard work that we get to challenge Red." Everyone in the crowd was cheering from all around. Lorelei returned her Pokemon and walked away without so much as a glance in our direction.

"Congratulations Kat, you have earned the right to challenge me." I turned and saw Red standing there, a Pikachu sitting on his shoulder.

"Right!" He smirked and I knew this was going to be one tough trainer.

"Until tomorrow, Kat." He turned and walked away. I headed up into the stands to watch the rest of the battles.

I saw Gary win his battle and finally the ending of the battles for the day. The semifinals were starting tomorrow and my battle with Red was going to be the last battle of the day, so I had plenty of time to think of a battle strategy.

"So Kat are you ready for your battle with Red tomorrow?" Gary asked me as we all headed back to the hotel.

"I guess; I know we have to be super prepared or else we'll lose. We came all this way and I won't lose. I will become the Champion and I will fulfill the dream I set out on my journey to do. I know I can do it as long as I have my Pokemon at my side. I have to believe in their power and for sure we'll definitely win." Everyone smiled brightly.

"Well it certainly will be an interesting battle. Good luck and I hope you win." Sabrina said lightly.

"Wait are you not coming to watch the match tomorrow?" I asked.

"Unfortunately no, I have to get back to the Gym and start training with my Pokemon once more, seeing you and your Pokemon today inspired me to raise and train my Pokemon the best I can, but more than that I want to understand my Pokemon like you do. It will take time and effort but one day I want to have battle with you again, Kat. I want to show you everything I have learned between then and now." I smiled at her and stopped.

"Sounds like a plan." I reached a hand out and she shook it lightly.

"You take care of yourself and you do your best tomorrow, I'll be watching from home. Win, because I know you and Umbreon can." I smiled and nodded.

"You do the same, I promise you we will win tomorrow. One day I'll come back here and we can have a battle again. Let's see how both of us has grown seen then. Take care Sabrina and do your best as Gym Leader." She turned and started walking away as she waved back at us. I waved back and I felt a tear slide down my face.

"Are you alright, Kat?" Misty asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, Sabrina was the first person who understood my past from a different point of view, so yeah I'm sad to see her go, but this is her dream and I have to let her do it. One day we'll see each other again and I know it will be an amazing battle." I turned and headed into the hotel.

"That's a good way of looking at it." Brock said and we all parted ways to go to our rooms.

Get ready Red, because were coming for you tomorrow and we're going to beat every single one of you Pokemon. We won't lose, it's not in our nature.

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