Chapter 7: Room 13

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AUTHORS NOTE ::: Im so glad you guys are loving this story as much as I am (:


It had been a week since Meghan had gone missing. No signs at all.

Joey's heart hurt. There were no words to explain it. He was terrified. There was no way he could move on if anything happened to Meghan. He felt like it was his fault. If he wouldn't have let Jimmy go outside with her, she would be here. Part of Joey wanted to believe that she was okay. But the less optimistic side knew that Meghan was not okay.

Joey was walking down the street, when a few fans walked up to him.

"Oh my gosh! Joey!" the girls screamed.

Joey looker up and faked a smile.

"Oh, hello!"

The 2 girls asked for a hug and a picture and Joey kindly gave it to them.

"Are you okay? You seem upset!" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah, yeah Im fine!" Joey replied in a energetic tone.

The fans walked away laughing and smiling.

Joey was so depressed. He missed his best friend.

Joey's phone buzzed in his pocket.

He pulled it out to see that it was a text from Meghan. It read: i nap h-way 70 motal in rem 13

Joey excitement faded. What did this mean? Joey called David and told him about the text and they called the police.

Some men at the department were trying to track where the text was sent from.

"Bad news," the detective began, "It looks like the text was sent while on Highway 70."

Joey instantly thought back to the text.

H-way 70 had meant Highway 70.

Joey saw that the text was all shortened versions of words.

Joey went back to the apartment and tried to decode the text language. He had realized that 'nap' was short for 'kidnap.' Joey was very confused on what a 'motal rem' was. He could not figure it out.

He drove up and down Highway 70 until it hit him.

The crazy text had meant: I kidnapped. Highway 70. Motel Inn; Room 13.

Fearing that it might already be too late, Joey went to the police station without letting David know about his discovery.

Joey worried that he was too late. What if she wasn't there? He would had let his only chance of finding her slip through his fingers. He needed her. Just as much as she needed him. And whether either of them realized it; they truly loved each other.

The department notified David, and him along with Joey and some detectives raced to Motel Inn.

They ran to room 13 and the door was rammed open.

Joey's jaw dropped when he saw what was inside.


NOTE ::: Ahhh cliff hanger! Leave me a comment and let me know what you think is happening! Is Meghan okay? Is Jimmy okay? Is Jimmy the kidnapper? What surprises Joey? I love hearing from you guys (:

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