I heard some voices in the background and then Elliot came back to the phone. "What about Iowa? Kelsey said she never got the chance to explain herself all those months ago."

"Um..." I flipped my eggs and turned the heat dial to 5. "Hold on."

I placed the phone onto the counter and went into the living room to see her sitting down. "Hey um Iowa?"

She turned towards me, "Are you done with my phone? I wasn't done talking to my boyfriend."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "The 'I love yous' weren't enough?"

Iowa got up and stood in front of me, mimicking my position. "Are you jealous because you don't have someone to say I love you to?"

I gaped at her and tears clouded my vision. "Why the fuck would you say something like that? You're my best friend!" I threw my hands up in the air. "Of course I'm jealous! The one guy I love clearly doesn't love me back or want anything to do with me yet here you are rubbing your relationship all in my face even though I'm the one who got you two together!"

Tears were streaming down my face as I walked away from her, ignoring her worthless sorries and how much she 'didn't mean it.' I turned off the stove and put my eggs on a separate plate with a slice of toast and then grabbed her phone, saying, "Yeah she's cool, um see you when you get here...bye."

I didn't hang up the phone because I knew she was still talking on it so I handed it to her and tried to pull away just as fast.

Iowa was quick on her feet because she grabbed my arm and pulled me down towards her to the couch. She entangled her legs with mine and grabbed my arms, enclosing them also. I glared at her as she reached up to wipe away another tear. "Babe Ry... I'm sorry. I know what I said was wrong and there is no excuse for it but I am really sorry. I don't know why I said it. It just sorta came out and I want you to know, I had no intention of it coming out the way it did. I didn't mean to hurt you. And you are right. I am your best friend and best friends aren't suppose to say shit like that to each other. So please forgive me."

I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "Of course I forgive you... I'm forgetting about it right now as we speak." I pulled away and managed to disentangle our limbs from each other. "By the way, Kelsey's coming and I told the guys you were cool with it too."

"That's cool. I mean I don't have a problem with her anymore and besides, isn't she dating Elliot?" Iowa said, standing up also and following me back into the kitchen to sit at the table counter.

"Yeah," I nodded, "she is and they're really cute together. I haven't seen them since spring break so I can't wait for them to get here especially my best friend!"

Iowa gave me the stink eye and I rolled my eyes. "Fine my second best friend."

I ate my eggs with my toast and drank my orange juice that I poured for myself.

The bell rung just as I finished drying the dishes I used to eat and make my brunch. Iowa ignored the door and continued watching her reality tv show.

I opened the door with a huge grin on my face, hoping it was my friends that I haven't seen in forever but I was wrong.

So wrong.

The smile on my face fell to a completely shocked one and I almost did a double take back.

Is this for real?

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