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-amazing cover by KC_bear ❤️

The movie we planned on watching was Captain America: Civil War. In all honesty, I never even heard of Captain America or even Iron Man.

Let's just say my childhood was filled with books and books and even more BOOKS. All my parents wanted me to do in life was to just focus on school and look at where that got me: I only have a few friends and out of all of them, only one is my best friend, and I have no boyfriend because I'm ugly and worthless.

But annyywaayyss....

"So, what team are you on ?" I asked Dominic, as he showed me the trailer on his huge iphone 6s plus.

He scratched the back of his head and grunted, "Well, I don't really know because I like Captain America and I like Iron man too so idk. But during the movie, I'll whisper it in your ear."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'm sure you will but from what I've seen, I think I'm team Cap."

The line moved up a lot more and in a matter of seconds, it was our turn in the line.

"What movie are ya watchin' ?" the lady asked, chewing her pink bubble gum, loudly.

"Um Captain America: Civil War."

"Okay," she smiled politely at us as she gathered our tickets and handed it to us, "well enjoy your movie and have a fun night."

We bid her a thank you and entered through the door with a sign that said 'Captain America.' We passed a couple seats but we had decided to head up the stairs, halfway to the top. I sat down close to this girl and some guy, while Dominic sat on the end which was to the right of me.

I looked around, shocked to see so many people in this theater. "Wow, I guess people do love marvel superheroes."

Dominic chuckled, "Of course they do, who wouldn't love them ?"

"Well lets see..." I said as I pretended to think about it, "well there are the people who don't like marvel superheroes and don't forget the people who don't like marvel superheroes either."

Dominic rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever."

I smiled, knowing I won the tiny argument.


The movie ended about 5 minutes early then its originated time. And the fact that I fell asleep during some parts of the movie didn't really help the fact that Dominic keeps on mentioning certain parts of the movies I ain't watch.

"... and then when they all just attacked each other, it was just like, like wow!" He continued on, making me sigh in annoyance.

"Okay Nic we get it. The movie was SO fantastic!"

Dom laughed, "Are you upset that you missed some parts of the movie ? I mean its not my fault the people in the movie theater were throwing shade at you. You just snore really loud."

I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him in the shoulder, "Hey! I do not snore!"

"Mhm, sure."

We left the cinema and began walking down the street to a nearby fast food restaurant since it was noon. We entered the crowded place and quickly got in the shortest line in front of us.

"Welcome to Wendy's, how may I help you both ?" The sweet lady asked politely.

"Um..." I took a quick glance at the menu above her and made my decision, "can I have medium fries with a spicy chicken sandwich, and can you make that a meal please," I finished up, telling her my order. She handed me a medium sized cup and I went to fill it up while Dominic told her what he wanted.

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