Chapter 5: Breakfast and Shower

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Chloe's POV.
Everything hurts, every inch of my body and I'm so tired not just physically but mentally too.

I've been asked the same thing by the police officers over and over again that it started to annoy me. They ask 'who did this to you?' 'Do you remember what he was wearing?' 'Did he told you his name?' ARE YOU F*KING KIDDING RIGHT? A freaking rapist is going to tell me his name. Sureeeeeee he would be like 'hey what's up? My name is John and I'm going to rape you, but don't tell the police please'

I'm just so tired of answering the same thing over and over again. It was so exhausting. I called a nurse to give me something to sleep cause right now I can't deal with this.

It's so weird.. I don't even know how I got here. I remembered taking Nick's hand but I think it was just a dream.

I slowly roll in a ball groaning on the way. I smelled an aroma that I have had smelled before. It actually smells really familiar. I looked around and moved a sweater that was on the bed trying to find the source of that beautiful scent.

The more I moved the sheets of the bed with all the things on top the more it smelled. I soon gave up because the mess where making an awesome effect.

I took the sweater and carefully put it on and I rolled back the position I was. Second later the same smell hit me like a train. I slowly smelled it and smiled knowing who this smell came from. Nicholas...

Wait... Where is he anyways? Isn't he supposed to be here? I though to myself but before I could do something I let myself close my eyes and let the darkness consume me. It's not like I had a choice, I was extremely tired.


I opened my eyes and closed them fast because the light of the sun was extremely powerful. I groaned and slowly opened them sitting down to find a sleepy Nicholas on the seat. To be honest that looks really uncomfortable.

"Nick?" My voice sounded so different.. That's probably because I just woke up.

He literally jumped falling down at the floor immediately he heard my voice.

I couldn't help myself but laugh and then groan at the pain the laugh was causing.

"Are you okay? I'm here" he said standing up next to me. Somehow that melted my heart. He looked so cute with his red puffy eyes that clearly screamed BED and his messy hair all over his face.

"I am really hungry" I said and he smiled letting go off his shoulders, it seemed he was tense until I answered.

"Who wouldn't" he said stretching. What does he mean?

"I'm gonna get some breakfast to go at the cafeteria here okay? The hospitals breakfast aren't that good." He said and with that he left. He didn't let me talk, He just left.

I looked around not knowing what to do. I jumped at the sound of the door slamming open and a big figure walking to me. I didn't even had the chance to move because it was too fast.

I looked up to find a breathless Nicholas next to me.

"I forgot" he said planting a small kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning" and with that said he left.

I didn't even respond him back. I was too distracted by the smell of food that came when he opened the door.

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