Leonard's Radio

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My great uncle Leonard's farmhouse has seen quite a bit of death. Both my great grandparents lived and died there, and then their son Leonard moved in. He had a heart attack and died on the couch about eight years ago. His funeral was the first time I had ever been to the house and well I suppose it was natural to feel a bit uneasy in it, the chills I got were not natural. We walked through the house with my aunt who had just bought it. The small house was overcrowded and outdated. We went to the basement, which like most farmhouses was more of a cellar. Before we even made it to the bottom of the creaky wooden stairs, a loud noise came from above us. I jump from my place at the back of our group. The two women ahead of me turned to see if I had made the noise, but I certainly didn't. We rushed back upstairs to what was previously a pile of plates broken on the ground. "That's odd," my aunt said from her spot behind me. "I just put those on the counter today." We passed it off as nothing.

The rest of Leonard's things were either given to family, sold in a yard sale, or donated to charity. My mom was given Leonard's old radio. It was a wooden box of a radio with dials and a fraying cord. It wasn't going to work, but it was a neat antique and taking it helped clear the house for my aunt and uncle.

It was a couple months before they moved in. First, the house was remodeled. The workers often complained of tools moving during the night and quite a few of them refused to go in the basement. When the renovation was done and my aunt and uncle moved in, lots of odd things happened.

Doors would open and close on their own, there were lots of unexplained noises, and the dogs would often bark at nothing. This continued to happen until a couple years ago when my mom decided she wanted have Leonard's old radio refurbished. The first night after we had opened the wooden casing of the radio, I was having a hard time falling asleep. I was lying on my side and felt something press down on my bed. Shortly after I felt a weight on legs. My eyes shot open at the second weight. I could see something move out of my peripheral vision. I was slightly scared and I could still feel the weight. I was too scared to move, so I closed my eyes and after a while I fell asleep.

The next night, I was again lying in bed trying to fall asleep when I felt another weight on the bed. This time, it was closer to me. I refused to open my eyes. Hair fell in my face as I tried to hide in my pillow. The weight shifted and I froze, unwilling to even breathe as I felt a hand wipe the hair from my face and then rest on my cheek. Once again I fell asleep too afraid to move.

Things like this went on for a week. One morning, I woke up with a hand print on my arm as if I was grabbed roughly. When i placed my hand on it, the print's fingers stretched longer than mine. Another morning, I had a cut on my leg I could not explain, but there was no dried blood. It only ended once my mom became too absorbed in party details for my brother's graduation to work on refurbishing the wooden radio.

My aunt and uncle came to my house for the graduation party we shared the details of my strange happenings. After a moment of thought they confided in us that over the last few weeks they hadn't had any weird noises or unexplained movement.

After the party, nothing else happened although, when my aunt and uncle returned home, strange occurrences commenced at their house once more. Unexplainable things still happen at the farm house, but none have been threatening and the occupants like to say that they are being looked after by our family members who have left us.

P.S. I wanted to add an update I only just learned. When my great uncle was found by my grandfather, he called my aunt over to the farmhouse because she's a nurse. She got there quickly, faster than the ambulance could as it had to come from a couple towns over on rural highways. She said she walked in and started CPR. She knew immediately that he wouldn't be revived, but she had to try. As she counted the compressions, a static noise drowned out the surroundings. Only later did she realize the static was from the radio sitting on the table beside her, the radio that wasn't plugged in.

Full Copyright 2019

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