It seemed like hours before Will looked down at my arm to see if he’d missed anything.  When he was satisfied, he put the tweezers back in the kit and reached for the antiseptic wash.  At first, when he poured the liquid over my skin, it stung, but then it cooled.  I lifted my head from Remy’s shoulder as he pressed the gauze to my arm and tapped it down. 

“Okay, you’re all finished,” he said. 

“Thank you,” I said, looking at him. 

“Any time,” he said, smiling.

He put everything back into the first aid kit and closed it.  We all sat there not saying anything for a few minutes, everything that had happened not doubt going through our minds. 

“What do we do now?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Will said.  “Do you guys think we should wait here for someone to find us or go try and find them?”

Remy sighed.  “They need to find us soon or we’re going to run out of food,” she said, grabbing a water bottle and an energy bar. 

Will reached for the other two bottles and bars, handing me one of each.  We ate in silence, trying to come up a plan for our next move. 

“Maybe we should stay here for a day or two,” I said.  “And then we’ll try and find someone if someone hasn’t already found us.”

“But where will we go?” Remy asked.  “It’s not like we know where we are exactly.”

“If we go in any direction, we’re bound to come across someone,” Will said.  “It’s just how long until we find them is the question.”

I put the last of the energy bar in my mouth, chewed, and swallowed it.  “And the energy bars and water aren’t going to last us very long.”

“If we do leave, we’re going to have to try and find a creek or something to make sure we’ve got water,” Will said. 

Again, we sat in silence.  Everything started to grow dimmer as the sun began to set.  It always got darker in the forest quicker, so we didn’t have that much time before it wouldn’t be dark.

“We should probably finish this discussion in the morning,” Will said.  “There were some blankets back there where our luggage was thrown out.  I’ll see if I can find you another shirt, Rea, and a jacket for each of us since it’s going to get pretty chilly.”

Remy and I watched as he went back toward the jet.  Once he disappeared around it, Remy looked at me. 

“How does your arm feel now?” she asked.  She rubbed the hand that I’d been holding while Will got glass out of my arm.  “I thought you were going to squeeze my fingers off.”

I laughed quietly.  “I’m sorry,” I said.  “And I’m better now.”

“Will has always taken care of you,” she said, smiling. 

I rolled my eyes.  “What about you?” I asked.  “How’s your side?”

“Fine, I guess.  It just hurts when I take a really deep breath, laugh a lot, or turn to fast,” she said.  “Other than that, I’m perfect.”

I reached for the antiseptic and poured a little onto the gauze.  I reached over and cleaned to cut on her forehead. 

“I wonder if someone’s contacted our parents,” Remy said as I wiped her forehead again, cleaning off the rest of the blood.  “They’re probably freaking out.”

“Everyone probably thinks we’re dead,” I said. 

She laughed.  “Way to be such a downer,” she said. 

The Descendants Series Vol. 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora