"Do you sing?" Blaine asked.

"Yeah but I'm not that good." I said.

"I doubt that's true. You should try out I bet you'll make it." he said.

"Maybe" I said.

Once the bell rang Blaine took me to my first actual class which is math. He said he'll be here to get me when the bell rang. I nodded and he smiled and he walked away.

I walked into my class and the teacher looked up at me and gave me a confused smile.

"You must be the new student." She said.

"Yes mam I am." I said.

She nodded and addressed the class.

"Everyone this is Morgan Caine. She's new here and I want you to make her feel at home. Morgan why don't you take a seat next to Mr. Lynn. Ryder raise your hand please."

I looked and a boy raised his hand and I went to the back and sat next to him. He turned and looked at me. He was wearing a blue sweatshirt and jeans. He had brown hair and brown eyes. I had to admit he is very cute.

"Hi I'm Ryder Lynn. It's nice to meet you." He said and I smiled.

"Hi I'm Morgan but you already knew that. It's nice to meet you too." I said.

He smiled at me and we turned our attention to the bored where the teacher was going over math problems. I wrote everything down but I had no idea what was going on in these problems. I hated math it always confused me.

Once the period ended me and Ryder both got up and walked out. He smiled at me and left. I walked out into the hallway and I looked around but I didn't see Blaine. I leaned against the wall and pulled out my schedule and looked at when I heard someone call my name. I looked up.

"Hey are you Morgan?" the boy said. He was wearing what looked to be a football jacket and I looked up at him and nodded.

The next thing I knew I was covered in red slushy. It dripped down my face and all over my shirt. It was in my hair and I was now cold. All I wanted to do was run into the bathroom and cry.

"Welcome to McKinley High!" the boy said laughing as he walked away as the people in the hallway laughed.

I heard running footsteps and someone taking my hand and pulling towards what I was hoping was a bathroom.

"I'm so so so sorry!! I should of been on time to get you. Then maybe you wouldn't be covered in slushie." I knew who it was now. It was Blaine. I smiled happy that Blaine came to my rescue. He sat me down in a chair in front of the sink and rinsed my hair out to get the slushie out.

"Blaine its not your fault. It was going to happen eventually. I am the new girl after all." I said.

"I know but still I could of at least told you about the slushies at least then you would of been prepared." He said.

"Blaine its fine. I'm okay. I just got to get use to bringing extra clothes to school for now on." I said. He looked down with a small smile.

He was able to get the stain out of my shirt and I had put my hair up into a pony tail and put my headband back into my backpack.

Blaine took me to my class and from then on he wasn't late to picking me up.

When lunch time came around I walked into the Cafeteria and found a empty table and sat down at it and started to do my hw. I didn't get very far because I heard a person sit down next to me. I looked up and smiled when I saw it was Ryder.

"Hey is it alright if I sit here?" he asked.

"Yeah sure." I said.

"Aren't you going to get something to eat?" He asked.

"I have no money." I said.

"Here." He handed me a apple. "I don't want it. You must be hungry." He said.

I smiled and nodded and started to eat the apple. The only thing I've eaten in 2 days.

I was about to say something when a boy with black hair and tan skin walked over to us.

"Hey Ryder why aren't you sitting with us today?"

Ryder turned and smiled at the boy.

"sorry dude I wanted to sit with my new friend. Morgan I would like you to meet my best friend Jake Puckerman."

I froze when I hear his last name. Standing in front of me was one of my older brothers.

"Hi nice to meet you." I said to him smiling. He looked at me with a look like he was thinking about something.

"Its nice to meet you too." He said." You know you can come over and sit with us too." he said.

"Maybe tomorrow if that's okay with you two?" I asked.

They both nodded and Jake waved before walking away.

All through lunch me and Ryder talked about everything and anything. He even asked me to go to his game that was happening the Friday of thanksgiving break and I of course agreed. When the bell rang we both got up and went our separate way. Blaine walked me to my next class. I was upset because the next few classes I didn't know anyone but once that bell rang I was happy school was finally over. I then remembered I promised Blaine I'd go watch his glee practice. Shit.

Authors note: Well I hoped you liked the first chapter!!!! Its actually really long I'm surprised!! Comment what you think and if I should continue. Vote and tell your friends to read this story. Thank you so much!!! 

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