Chapter 1

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Morgan's Pov:

New day, new school, and new bruises. What has my life come to. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? Why did my mom have to go and kill herself because my dad walked out on us and took all our money? I was 11 when it happened. I was walking home from lacrosse practice, even though my mom was suppose to pick me up she never showed. When I turned down my block there was cops in front of my house. I ran as fast as I could but cops stopped me from going in and they told me what happened. I couldn't believe my ears. How could my mom do this to me. She did leave a letter telling me that I have 2 older brothers named Noah and Jake Puckerman and that when I'm older I should go looking for them. That they don't know about me. That day was the day my life became a living hell. I was put into foster care and a few months later I was adopted by Mark and Diana Caine. They seemed nice and I was happy I was leaving but I didn't realize just how lucky I had it at the foster care home. From that day forward I was abuse almost every night and I usually only get to eat 3 days a week at the most.

PI'm now 13 a freshman in High school and I'm now attending William McKinley High in Lima, Ohio. It was a few months into school already which sucked but I got up out of bed and got dress in the nicest outfit I had which wasn't much just a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers and my hair had a bow headband in it. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed looking at my black eye. I walked out of my room with my bag and walked out of the house and walked to school. The walk was a 3 mile walk which sucked.

When I finally got to school kids were already walking into the school. I walked into the school and people stared at me and started whispering. I quickly walked to the office. When I got in their was a lady behind the counter who looked up and gave me a small smile.

"Hello dear you must be Morgan Caine." The lady said.

I nodded my head at her and she smiled and started pulling out some papers. She handed me my schedule, a map, and my locker combo info.

"This is everything you'll need and you'll be having a nice young man give you a tour of the school and help you find your classes. Oh there he is now." She said.

I turned around just as the door opened and boy with black hair that was gelled to the side and wearing a green shirt and a white bowtie and nice pants and shoes walked in. He looked at me a look of shocked on his face. Probably when he saw my black eye. But was then replaced by a smile.

"Hi my name is Blaine Anderson. I'll be showing you around today." He said. I smiled at him. He seemed really nice and he has a good taste in fashion. I actually decided to speak which I was shocked about.

"Hi my name is Morgan Emma Caine. Its nice to meet you and thank you for doing this." I said to him.

He smiled and walked me out into the halls and walked me to my locker.

"So this is your locker. It's actually only a few lockers down from mine so if you ever need any help you can catch me at my locker or I'm usually in the choir room." He said. I nodded and put what I didn't need in my locker and took out only what I needed.

"So I'm sorry if this is kind a personal but how did you get the black eye?" he asked. I froze. Think think think I thought to myself

"Oh I box and I was boxing against another girl and she got me right in the eye." I lied.

Blaine looked like he believed it and nodded. "I box too. Not in matches but to let off steam." he said.

I smiled and nodded. He brought me to my first period which was homeroom and we actually share the same homeroom. He told me all about the school and all the clubs and sport teams they have. He told me about Glee club and I admittedly loved it, but I don't think I'm good enough to even make it.

I will fight till I find people that love meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon