"No, no, no-wait, hold it, back up the train for a second. You're tutoring Gon? Because you want to?"

"Uh, yeah? And?"

"Killua, you've hated Gon since the seventh grade. You drew dicks all over his face in your freshman yearbook."

An uncomfortable heat crawls up his neck. "People change," he replies lamely.

"Oh my God." She stares at him, wide-eyed. "Don't tell me the rumors are actually true, you're not actually-holy shit."

"Okay, look." Killua lays his hand on the table, fingers splayed. "We came clean with each other, alright? He's not such a bad guy, and he-he likes me. And I-I like him, too. A lot." His throat feels way too tight.

"How could you not tell me? Are you high? You're high, aren't you? It's okay, you can tell me, I promise not to judge."

"I am not high. Gon is-I mean, we're dating." He bites the word out, wincing slightly.

Palm sits back, stunned. "I don't believe you. This is some kind of twisted joke, this isn't natural! Killua, you hit the guy with your car...on purpose! I just can't-"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Gon appears, and to Killua's horror and shock and confusion, he slides his fingers through Killua's hair and ruffles it quickly as he passes behind Killua's chair. He leans in close, says softly, almost against Killua's temple, "Your place after practice, yeah? I've got notes," and then-

-and then he winks.

About ten thousand different responses snake through Killua's brain, many of which include What in the actual fuck, we agreed no touching, and Don't ever do that in front of my friends, and You wink at me again, you die.

But instead, his mouth opens and shuts like a dying fish, and the heat spreading across his neck rushes up into his cheeks. And against his will, he also thinks, Why the hell didn't you just kiss me and get it over with?

Beside him, Palm looks like she just spotted Big Foot and the Easter Bunny having Sunday brunch.

"Oh my God," she mutters. "I'm in the Twilight Zone." And Killua wants to crawl in a hole and die.


Gon has never been to Killua's house; in fact, nobody has ever been to Killua's house-or his mansion, per say. But cohabitating with a modern day remix of The Adam's Familydoesn't exactly make a kid eager to show it off.

Yet here he is, pacing his bedroom floor and wondering if he should hide his collection of Batman comics, or the super deluxe edition of Lord of the Rings he has sitting on top of his DVD player. His swim trunks are hanging off the back of his desk chair, and there's a pile of dirty clothes at the foot of his bed. It's not exactly the most sophisticated room on the planet, but it's not like Gon will care. He'll more than likely just shove his homework at Killua and leave without a word.

Killua rolls his eyes at the thought, and goes downstairs to wait.


There's a sharp tapping of a foot behind him, and Killua spins around from the dining table. There are various post-it notes stuck to his face with penises drawn on them, but he gives Illumi his best "seriously I'm doing homework" face.

"Yes?" Killua asks, innocently. Kalluto is snickering quietly from the other side of the table, shoving a pad of post-its in his bag.

The eldest narrows his eyes. "Do I want to know why there is cartoon male genitalia stuck to your face?"

"...because I've never had the real thing?"

"Your guest is at the door," Illumi deadpans. "Whom I suspect may have the real thing."

Black Butterfly [written by TheRealGonZoldyck] Killugon ficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن