chapter 2

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Black Butterfly


Chapter 2


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Killua's fierce hatred toward any and everything involving Gon lasted until tenth grade. By that point, the two finally stopped putting energy into their rivalry and took the silent route instead, and up until the day prior Killua hadn't spoken or looked at Gon for almost two years.

Well, the looking part isn't exactly true. And there was also that one time during junior year, when he was driving to the mall and spotted Gon standing in front of Tonpa's Meat Market. Killua gunned the big V-8 engine of his father's old Buick, jumped the curb, and clipped Gon from behind, bouncing Gon off the front right fender. Killua stopped the car and got out to assess the damage. "Anything broken?"

Gon was sprawled on the pavement, scowling up at Killua. "My leg, probably?"

"Good," Killua said. Then he turned on his heel, got into the Buick, and drove to the mall.

He attributes that incident to temporary insanity, and in his own defense, he'd like to say he hasn't run over anyone since. He would also like to say that he did not spend the last few years actively ignoring Gon, while running the risk of getting arrested for a hit and run somewhere in between, for it all to boil down to this.

"Killua," Gon says slowly, leaning back against the brownstone wall of their school as he idly taps his cigarette. "We sort of have a problem. Don't ya think?"

"What I think," Killua hisses, "is that it's unbelievable you even went along with it in the first place." He glances around cautiously, a little nervous, because if anyone catches them talking like this, well. The rumors will only get worse.

Gon raises a brow and takes a long drag off his cigarette. "I saved your butt yesterday, so honestly, the least you could do is-"

"I had everything under control, okay? I didn't need you running to my rescue. Those guys were all talk and full of shit. I can take care of myself."

"Oh, yeah?" Gon chokes back a laugh. "I didn't realize 'taking care of yourself' included referring to me as your boyfriend."

Killua's face bursts into flames. "Shut up! It was a fucking accident and you know it."

Gon blows smoke straight in his face. "And now the entire school thinks we're dating."

"Well it's not like you corrected them or anything."

"I didn't get the chance to." Gon shrugs and glances away, flicking the spent cigarette into the bushes.

"I wish you would've minded your own goddamn business," Killua gripes, shoving his hands through his hair. "A couple of sore losers from the rival team get all pissed that I beat them in a relay, and suddenly you think you've gotta right to barrel your way into my personal shit."

"You're used to being threatened?"

"I'm used to guys hating the fact that I can swim faster than them, so yeah, I am."

Gon's mouth curls up in a smile.

Damn it. His dimples throw Killua for a loop, and they might as well be fourteen years old again.

"Well." Gon sighs and rubs at the back of his neck. "What do you suggest we do, then? I take it you're not willing to admit that you couldn't defend yourself against a couple jerks who were being poor sports?"

Black Butterfly [written by TheRealGonZoldyck] Killugon ficWhere stories live. Discover now