P10. Collaborative

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This week's poem is a collaborative I did with a fellow classmate [Yes, I did get his permission]. We chose to do an Object Poem. This type is a poem about an inanimate object. See if you can figure what the object is.

Vashta Nerada

It was blank once, pure,

and with a spark, tainted.

A forest condensed

in a logical system of dew. 

Don’t skip to the end or spoilers.

It's bigger on the inside,

big enough to lose yourself.

Bound by black bars, 

you're free to leave.

You never do.

We see through

each chapter of its life,

or maybe, it sees us

through ours.

A world of knowledge

useful in the highest degrees

and still the best weapon in the world.

[For the rewrite, there wasn't one. All I did was change the title to 'Title Here']

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