P9. Persona

6 0 0

Donuts and Muffins

The sticky residue of the kneaded dough

clung to my hands. 

A line of donuts sat in the tray

ready for the oven.

Out the door, I could hear

the voice of her.

“Pumpkin Spice Latte for Gerry.”

Those drinks were somethin’.

Each sip brought a warm 

fuzzy feeling as it slithered down.

But I don’t care about the drinks.

It’s her I want,

with the braided hair and glasses.

One day, for sure, I’ll ask.

Maybe Jenkins can help.

This crush of mine is too much.

Heart beat is racing fast.

This door of mine is closing 

I have to ask her.

But today is not that day. 

She walks out the door,

bag and helmet in hand.

The door shuts and I’m back.

Back to the donuts and muffins.

And I still don’t know her name.

Here is the REWRITE


The sticky residue of the kneaded dough

clung to my hands.

A line of donuts sat in the tray

ready for the oven.

It was the one time our

shifts had coincided

yet, we still hadn’t met


Beyond the door, I could almost hear

the voice of her,

“Pumpkin Spice Latte for Larry.”

‘The Best Barista in Cambridge’

Jenkins once said.

Each sip brought a warm

fuzzy feeling as it slithered down.

But I don’t care about the drinks

it’s her I want,

with the braided hair and glasses.

Being just a kitchen worker I’ve noticed

how her nose scrunched up in an

attempt to fix her glasses.

One day, for sure, I’ll ask.

Maybe Jenkins can help.

The kitchen door opens

it’s Kyle who mans the Bakery Line.

“I’m low on blueberry muffins.”

I grab the specified tray

heading out into the busy store.

I help my co-worker

as I scan the Twix line for her.

I catch a glimpse of her in the back

clocking out for the morning.   

I have a split second to say

something as she walks by.

But today is not that day.

She leaves, messenger bag

and motorcycle helmet in hand.

The door shuts behind me and I’m back.

Back to the donuts and muffins.

And I still don’t know her name.

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