"Yep, I'm a freshman. I'm sorry, is this only a sophomore party or something?"

"Nah, open invite. But, freshmen don't actually show up, they're either to scared or they get lost on the way."

I laughed. "Is that even possible, this party is mega loud."

He shrugged. "Freshman are stupid, no offense."

"None taken." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey, you wanna dance?" He asked suddenly, smiling and showing off his dimples.

I thought for a second then nodded. "Sure." I agreed, letting him lead me to the large living room where others were bumping and grinding. He weaved through the crowd until he found a nice spot, and spun me, his hands taking hold of my waist he started grinding with me. I listened to the beat of the music, moving my hips in tune to the song.

Deuce wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder, he started to kiss me behind me ear. I tried to stop dancing but his arms just gripped my tighter, forcing my hips to move. My breath hitched in my throat, I didn't want to cause a scene but this boy was making me very uncomfortable. How was it that a second ago, he'd been so funny and sweet but now he was being a jerk? His right hand moved lower down, and I froze.

"Deuce, stop." I said grabbing his hand and pulling it off me.

His left arm tightened, squeezing my stomach hard. "Come on," He purred into my ear. "I'm just having a little fun."

"No, I-" I began but was cut off by that low harsh, bored tone. But along with the harshness, he sounded angry.

"May I cut in?" Liam said, his tone showed that this wasn't a question but a statement. He was only asking to be nice, but he was going to either way, it didn't matter want answer he received.

Deuce looked up and narrowed his eyes at Liam. "You have twenty girls out there, this ones mine, go play with them." He growled.

Liam's eyes darkened. "I don't think you understand me mate, let go of her and leave."

Deuce opened his mouth to retort but was stopped when Liam's hand wrapped around his neck. Immediately Deuce let go of me, his hands flying to Liam's arm, his eyes filled with panic. "I really hate when people are difficult, it makes me angry. Can you see that I'm angry?" Liam said, his eyes darkening.

The crowd around us had stopped dancing, cramming together to see what was happening. Even the music had stopped and people outside were coming in to see what stopped the party. My cheeks flushed as they stared at me, whispering about me.

Zayn broke through the crowd, pulling Liam back. Liam tried to get to Deuce again but Zayn placed his hand on his chest, stopping him. "It's not worth it, just relax." Zayn told him, his voice tinged with an edge.

"Fine," Liam grumbled, and turned to Deuce. "But, if you ever touch her again, I'll break you." He then looked at me and sneered turning on his heels and disappearing through the crowd.

By now the music was playing again, and people were slowly getting back into the party. Most eyes were on me, but I couldn't feel them, I was looking for Liam. I wanted to thank him for what he did but at the same time I was confused on why he did it. He rejected my friendship request harshly, and then saved me from a possible rape, but what was the sneer all about?

I found him back on his ledge, surrounded by more girls than before. A bonfire was lit in the grassy area of the yard, people were roasting marshmallows and dancing around the flames, throwing whatever they could fine into it and cheering as it burned.

Hesitantly, I walked over to Liam, catching his attention as I pulled myself up onto the ledge next to him. I heard several gasps around me and the heat of eyes locked on me, watching my and his every move. I was confused, what was all the attention for? He was just a guy and I was just a girl, why were they acting like this was top news.

"What're you doing?" He asked dryly, his eyes scanning the faces of those watching us-they quickly looked away,

"I came to thank you for what you did in there." I replied, trying to appear confident even though I was freaking inside.

He shrugged his shoulders. "This doesn't explain why your sitting with me, just because I saved you doesn't mean we're mates now,"

I stared at him baffled and a little hurt, why does he hate me? I looked away, at the bonfire, his friends were sitting around it. Harry's arm slung over Jasmine's shoulders as they sang a drunken ballet together. Niall laid, sprawled on the floor with some girl straddling him, deep in a make-out session. Zoe danced with Zayn and some others around the fire, tossing pictures and artifacts into the fire, yelling something about their pasts disintegrating.

Then a question dawned on me, one that I had to ask. "Why are you sitting up here by yourself?"

Sighing he let took off his beanie and picked some white stuff off of it before putting it back on. "Why does this concern you?"

I shrugged. "I'm just curious, all your friends are down there. Why aren't you?"

"Well, if you must know. I value my space, on most days I 'd be down there but on particular days, I can't."

"Why not?"

He glared at me. "That's none of your business."

His sudden anger took me by surprise. I hadn't done anything wrong-had I? No, asking a simple question isn't wrong. I was simply trying to start a conversation with him, get to know him but he was making bit difficult. How could I possibly get him to like me when he isn't actually willing to give me a chance.

"Sorry." Was all that I could say.

I jumped down from the ledge and walked away, my shoulders slouched. I made my way into the kitchen, opening a cooler and grabbing a bottle of beer. One drink won't kill me-right? I sat on the ground, popping open the can and taking a swing, the liquid burned but wasn't as bad as the liquor, so I continued to drink it, one drink turned into two, two multiplied to four and four to six. The next thing I knew I was dancing on a table having bills thrown at me.

The rush was intoxicating, I loved it. The boys watching me danced have catcalls and shouts, yelling requests of moves for me to do; I did all of them. The shouts grew louder as a boy climbed on the table and joined my inappropriate dance. The room spun, but that didn't stop me, I flipped my hair and bent over seducing the crowd.

A hand wrapped around my wrist, yanking me off the table. There was a shout, and then clanking. I stumbled, my vision steadying for a minute to see the boy that was dancing with me lying on the ground unconscious. The hand seized my arm again, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder. He weaved through the crowd towards the exit, and then to a car. Sitting me in the front seat,I finally saw his face-Liam, and he was mad.

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