Without a word, he rose to his feet and started to clean up the picnic. I didn't do anything but stand off to the side, turning and walking away when he gave me his expectant look. If he thought that I was going to help him clean up his breakup dinner, he had another thing coming. I would never touch that blanket, that food, the drinks - I would treat them, just like him, like poison that one touch would kill me.

When I got home, I jumped out of Max's car fast and ran to my door not wanting him to see me cry. I'd struggled with the keys, trying to shove them into the hole but ended up dropping them, letting out a cry of frustration. I could feel the tears pushing at the back of my eyes, trying to break through and spill down my cheeks. But, I bit my lip hard and forced them back-I would not cry, at least not in front of him.

"Let me help you." Max said reaching for me but I recoiled and stumbled back, glaring at him in pure hatred. He looked concerned, but I didn't need his pity. Just like I don't need him.

"Go home and leave me alone!" I snapped, turning my back on him and shoving the key into the hole. My anger taking away the shakiness of my hands and body, but not the tears pushing at my eyes.

"Kadence," His voice sounded strained and pained at the same time. It warmed my heart and I wanted to hug him, but the memory of what he did squashed it. My heart felt like someone popped it like a pimple; he popped it like a pimple.

Anger filled me again, and I stopped caring. I stepped into my house and turned to face him, he was taking a step forward to follow me into the house. He wanted to talk about this; but that angered me even more. He'd done enough to my heart - more than enough and frankly the sight of his face made me want to puke. His lips moved to form the word 'I'm sorry' but before the came out, I slammed the door in his face ignoring the crunch of bone breaking and locked it.

Remorse filled me immediately, I'd probably broken his nose doing that. He was standing so close, the door had to gave hit him and hard to by the viciousness of that slam. I reached for the handle, but retracted my hand and backed away from the door. I don't need to apologize to him, he hurt me, and he deserved whatever I gave him - a broken nose counted in that. After that thought, the tears broke free, streaming down my cheeks in floods. I sniffled, running up the stairs to my room and shutting the door.

I didn't bother to change my clothes, I just jumped into bed and sobbed. I sobbed, and sobbed until I drifted off to sleep. Even in my dreams, I sobbed, waking up to find that I was still crying. Max was my first love, first kiss, first - he was my first everything and now he has added to that long list 'first heartbreak'. What hurt the most was that I'd see him everywhere, during Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Birthdays. Our families were to close, and because of that my pain will forever be present.

The morning seemed to come too early, streaming through my open blinds and straight to my eyes. I opened my eyes and rose my hand to block the sun, squinting at the time on my clock. It was 9:35 AM, in three hours I would be boarding a plane to head out of Denver and to California, leaving everything I know behind.

Sighing, I untangled myself from my blankets and grabbed my towel from the hook. The sound of my mom in the kitchen met my ears when I opened my door, along with the creak of the stairs as my dad or siblings went down. I couldn't help but look around the green hall, covered in pictures of my childhood. My bare feet met the soft rug, I used to roll my younger brother Kenneth up in. A knot formed in my stomach when my eyes met a picture, a picture of Max and I going to prom. Our parents had insisted on talking numerous pictures, and at the time I didn't mind. I wanted to remember the occasion always, but now I just hated that picture with every fiber of my being.

Without thinking, I walked over to the picture and took it off its hook. After doing so, I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. My eyes roamed the picture, taking in how handsome Max looked in his tux. It fit him do well, that night he made me feel like I was Cinderella and he was Prince Charming. My jaw clenched and I placed my thumbs in the middle of the glass that covered the picture, pressing down hard and bending the sides. Logically, I could have just took the photo out but I wanted it all destroyed, and throwing it on the ground would max too much noise.

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