Third T&D

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writemyfanfiction says: Dares: Minho, go and poke three Grieves. Thomas, I dare you to dance around the Glade in your underwear in front of Alby and others (he he lol Alby's gunna be sooooooo mad!!! :D) Truths: Newt, how do you feel about all my previous dares and truths lol I'M SO EVILLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! >:D

Minho: Do you want me to die, shank? I'm not doing that.

Me: Yes you are.

Minho: No, I'm not gonna die because of some shucking dare.

Me: I have author powers.

Minho: So?

Me: I can bring you back to life.

Minho: Fine.

Me: I'll change it to your POV

Minho's POV
I run into the shucking Maze right before the shucking doors close.

"MINHO, GET BACK HERE!" Alby yelled at me.

I ran to the shucking cliff and waited for the shucking Grievers. When they came out, I ran to the first one and poked it. Then it stung me. I fell and poked the shucking Griever that rolled over to me. It stung me too. Then another one rolled over and I poked it. Then the shucking thing stung me. SoccerBandBooks snapped her fingers and I was back on the stage. Then she stabbed me with a needle.

"Hey." I said.

"Shut up and go through the Changing." She said. "Now I'm changing it back to no POV."

Me: Okay, now, Thomas, your turn. Wow, that sentance had a lot of commas. Anyway, do the dare.

Thomas: Can I have a cookie.

Me: Not until you do the dare. I'll change it to your POV.

Thomas's POV
"Hey, I didn't have time to protest." I said.

"It's in your point of view, do the dare." SoccerBandBooks said.

"Fine." I said.

Then SoccerBandBooks snapped her fingers and I was on a stage in front of the other Galders. She snapps her fingers again and I'm wearing boxers with unicorns on them.

"Dance." She whispers.

"No." I whisper back.

"Dance, or I might release the fire ants I have in my backpack." SoccerBandBooks whispers.

"You have fire ants in you backpack?" I ask.

"I might, and if you don't start dancing I might release them." She whispers.

Then she taps her phone a bunch of times and music comes on. It happens to be really girly. She probably ment to do it. Then I start dancing. SoccerBandBooks changed the song to a disco song. So that's what I did. After that song ended, Alby climbed up onto the stage.

"THOMAS, PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!" Alby yelled. Then he grabbed my arm and took me to the Slammer. He was muttering to himself the whole time. "What is wrong with everyone. Everyone has gone crazy."

Then SoccerBandBooks snapped her fingers and I appeared back on the stage in the secret room with Newt and Minho.

Me: I don't really have fire ants in my backpack. But I do have cookies. *tosses cookies to Thomas*

Thomas:*catches cookies* *looks down for some reason* Come on SoccerBandBooks.

Me:*laughs* *snaps fingers*

Thomas:*clothes appear* Thank you.

Me: Newt?

Newt: I don't like your bloody truths or dares. I almost had my bloody keys taken away. You almost had Minho killed. What happend to Tommy was kind of funny. But just so you bloody know I'M NOT BLOODY GAY. STOP MAKEING ME BLOODY KISS PEOPLE.

Me: Calm down shank. No need to yell.

Thomas:*looks down for the first time* YOU GAVE ME A PICK UNICORN T-SHIRT

Me: It was that, or I could have left you in your unicorn underwear.

Thomas: Ignore what she's about to say.

Me: Thomas is forgiven for you-know-what

Thomas: I am :)

Me: No because you told them to ignore that. Anyway Comment truths or dares. *snapps fingers*

Thomas and Newt:*in unicorn footie pajamas* SOCCERBANDBOOKS

Minho:*still going through the Changing*

Me: Please vote and comment :)

Minho:*finally wakes up* *looks around* What exactly happend?

Me:*shows video of Thomas dancing*


Me: Yep. Anyway comment :)

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