The Umbrella Academy

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I recently finished TUA. I loved it, so I decided to write about it. I hope you enjoy :)

Thomas: Where are we?

Minho: I don't know. It looks like a city... just not as destroyed as the one Jorge and Brenda showed us.

Newt: We're standing in front of a building with a bloody umbrella on the gate. Maybe that has something to do with why we're here.

Thomas: It couldn't hurt to check.

Newt: I guess we go in now?

Minho: Guess so.

Trio:*walkes in*

Five:*appears* *as he's walking away* I don't have time to talk. *backs up* You're not with the Commission. Who are you?

Thomas: I'm Thomas, this is Minho, and that's Newt.

Five: I have to stop an apocolypse, so whatever you're doing, make it quick.

Minho: Apocolypse?

Thomas: Like, buildings destroyed, kidnappings, disease?

Five: Buildings destroyed, yes. The rest... no one was left alive for any of that.

Thomas:*to Minho and Newt* You think it could be the world after we left for Paradice and all the Cranks died?

Newt: Could be. Minho, what do you think?

Minho: I think it's concerning that a shuck 13 year old is drinking Vodka out of the bottle.

Five: I'm not 13. I'm 58 trapped in a 13 year old's body. Now make it quick. I have work to do.

Thomas: I think we're from the apocolypse. We want to help.

Five: Unless you have a briefcase or some information, there's not much you can do. Plus, you're all younger than everyone here. What help is a group of kids going to do?

Trio:*look at each other*

Thomas: Sorry to bother you then?


Klaus:*walking by* You're not here to kidnap me again are you?

Minho: No?

Newt: We didn't kidnap you in the first place.

Klaus: Yeah. There were only two of you the first time. And one of you was a girl. Who are you?

Thomas: I'm Thomas.

Minho: I'm Minho.

Newt: I'm Newt.

Klaus: Oh. *to Ben* Do we know them?

Ben: No.

Minho: Hey! No voodoo.

Klaus: N-No voodoo. I can... I can talk to ghosts.

Trio:*look at each other*

Newt: I think we'll just be on our way then.

Diego: Klaus! Who are these people?

Klaus: I... I don't know. They just... they were talking to Five.

Thomas:*whispers* his name was five?

Minho:*whispers* apparently.

Newt:*whispers* i can't say anything. my name is newt.

Diego: They're not with the people who killed Patch are they?

Minho: No. We're here to stop the shuck apocolypse.

Diego: Okay. You can stay, but Luthor can't know you're here.

Vanya:*walks in* Have any of you seen Leonard?

Klaus: Did you lose the puppy?

Vanya: He's the only one who thinks I'm special. *pause* Who are you?

Minho: Minho. Newt. Thomas.

Thomas: Here to stop the apocolypse.

Newt: Not with the other people who apparently killed a bunch of people.

Vanya: Apocolypse? There's an apocolypse and you don't even bother to tell me? *shouts* Leonard! I'm leaving!

Leonard:*runs down the stairs* Sorry, Van, I left my jacket.

Vanya: It's okay.

Vanya and Leonard:*leave*

Allison:*comes down the stairs* *opens her mouth*

Minho: Minho, Newt, Thomas.

Thomas: Here to help stop the apocolypse.

Newt: Not with the other two people.

Allison: Does Luthor know you're here.

Diego: Yes.

Klaus: He said it's okay because they want to stop the world from ending.

Ben: He wouldn't let them stay here if it meant he didn't have to go to the moon in the first place.

Klaus: I know. And people say I'm crazy.

Thomas: Who are you talking to?

Klaus: My brother.

Trio:*look at each other*

Minho: Okay?

Five:*walking through* *carrying Deloras* Pay no attention to him. He's high. *to Deloras* I know, but there's nothing we can do about it.

Newt: Is he talking to a mannequin?

Klaus: That's Deloras.

Minho: Ah. That made everything so much clearer.

Luthor:*comes in the front door* Who are these people? What are they doing here?

Thomas: Thomas, Minho, Newt.

Minho: Not with the others.

Newt: Trying to stop the bloody apocolypse.

Luthor: You can't stay here. This house if for the Umbrella Academy only.

Thomas: We want to help.

Luthor: I don't care. I'm Number 1. I was sent to the moon, so if we watch the moon, we'll be fine.

Newt: Okay?

Minho: Why were you-

Hargreeves siblings: NO!

Klaus: Don't get him started.

Five:*teleporting in* We don't have time for this. Are you helping or not?

Luthor: No. They're not.

Five: I wasn't asking you, big guy. Are you helping or not?

Grace and Pogo:*walk down stairs*

Grace: I didn't know we had visitors.

Pogo: Who are these people?

Thomas: You know what, we're out.

Minho: It the world is going to end, at least we survive it.

Newt: Some of us, at least. Let's go.


Diego: Klaus, we're you sober enough to see who the third person was?

Klaus: Yeah. His name was Newt. Blonde, brown eyes, had a limp when he was alive.

Luthor: Are his friends...

Klaus: Like me? No.

Ben: They might have been.

Klaus: That was a relative statement.

Ben:*rolls eyes* *snorts*

Klaus: Hey.

Five: They're right. They survive an apocolypse. Not ours. I found their book along with Vanya's.

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