If that's not Harry, then it's her subconscious mind giving her signals.

"Right." She replied mindlessly with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Now, David. I think there's something you want to confront me about." Harry said and snapped his fingers.

"What the .." David panicked for a moment before realizing that Harry had teleported them elsewhere. Away from Mia.

Trees, trees, trees everywhere. They were in a forest.

"Speak, please." Harry welcomed, snapping David out of his haze.

"First of all, don't tell Mia that we talk frequently. Actually don't tell her that we talk at all." David said.

"Deal. Second of all?" Harry replied swiftly.

"Second of all, don't teleport me without warning 'cuz I barely held my pee." David continued.

"Spare me the details please, now third?" Harry said smiling, he already knew what David wanted to talk about.

"Thirdly, I connected some incidents together and then it hit me.

First, when we were done with this Isabelle spiritualist, you made us visualize a lady as yourself as a distraction till you got into the car. Introducing us to mind illusion.

Then, my conspiracy theory proves that Scott McCall has been working for you. But you made him disappear. You teleported him.

And the whole week in which you were knocked out, he was not spotted, he didn't answer his phone. He was no where to be seen.

And I couldn't help but conclude, that Scott McCall is one of your mind illusions." David dropped and waited for Harry's reaction.

Harry slowly clapped with a smile.

"I thought it'd take you longer." Harry said coolly.

"Wait, you wanted us to know. That's why it's the only ability you told us about." David claimed.

"No, I wanted you to know." Harry revealed.

"You don't want to tell Mia? But that's what I wanted to tell her." David asked.

"No, and I know now you won't tell her." Harry said, confident.

"Yeah? What makes you so sure?" David challenged.

"She'd believe what she wants. And right now, she wants me." Harry said bluntly and David just stood there. Not furious, but frustrated. He couldn't deny the words Harry said were true.

"Fine, I won't tell her. But if you're righ then telling her the truth won't stand between you guys." David said and Harry nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait, there was this message that's supposedly for you while you were out cold." David remembered.

"Message?" Harry tilted his head, his features tangled in curiosity.

"Yeah, it was on the mirror with a thick black liquid, it said; stay out of harm's way Harry." David informed and Harry scrunched his eyebrows in deep thought.

"Thank you, David." He thanked politely, ready to leave when David called out again.

"Aren't you gonna zap me back?" David said giving his surroundings a wary look.

"This is literally the forest right across your apartment building." Harry declared.

"Right. I already knew that, by the way." David covered up and Harry chuckled, shaking his head.


He knew it. The message, it made it clear. How could he not see it?

Of course, Josh, the Keepers and Helpers wouldn't tell him to stay out of harm's way.

It's Harry's Keeper.

The puzzle pieces all came together in his head and he smiled, not believing how he could miss something like that. It was all planned out.

No one can access the Crystal balls room that easily with all the enchanments and curses Isabelle makes.

He teleported into her living room and she was reading a book, her back to him.

"Isabelle. You have something to tell me." Harry said.

She rested her book on the table and took off her glasses, slowly standing up and facing Harry.

"Took you long enough." She said.

"Why?" Harry enquired.

"Why, what?" She faked clueless-ness.

"Why did you let the Keeper take the Crystal?" Harry clarified, his tone collected.

"Honestly, because he's the only person who can keep it safe." She replied.

"Why do you care? I can take care of my own safety." Harry said.

"No, they'll come for it Harry. I think you've seen what a single interrupted torturing course with James can do." She remarked

"Which reminds me, How did you get out of there?" She asked.

"A summoning spell." Harry replied casually.

"I'm not that stupid, Harry. The traps and chains you were held in, they can't be broken by any summoning spell I recall." She concluded and when Harry remained silent, she realized.

"The Key. You created an unbreakable summoning spell from the Key." She continued and Harry checked the time as a gesture of boredom.

"Yes, you're right. Now back to the original subject. Who's this Keeper?" Harry said impatiently.

"I don't know." She replied briefly.

"Isabelle." Harry said sternly.

"I don't know, Harry. He had a human form and a name but it's impossible." She said looking away.

"Tell me."

"He was your mind illusion, Harry. He was Scott McCall."

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Sorry ya tyty nset embare7 xD

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