"Ew Harry." I rolled my eyes.

"I was going to say my hands ... but sure that too, love." He winked and my cheeks heated up.

"Aw I didn't mean to embarrass you." Harry cupped my cheeks and looked deeply into my eyes. Slowly moving his thumbs side to side.

"You didn't but now you kind of are. There
are intruders, Harry." I fought a laugh and looked at the two that walked in. "Hey Liam ... Niall ... what's-"

"You act like I give a fuck." Harry crashed his lips against mine. "Oh I was also wondering-"

"Get a room!" Liam joked pointing at his open mouth showing disgust.

"Last time I checked, this is my room!" Harry glared. Niall just frowned.

"What's wrong?" Harry tilted his head looking at the dull boy.

"This ..." He turned his phone around showing us his screen.

Adamari: i know it may not have been your fault but it still bothers me. i just can't look at you without thinking about it. it's better for us to end things. i'm sorry Niall.

"What the hell?" Harry question. "Women am I, right?" Harry's go to when people are sad is humor. It's a hit or miss tho ...

Niall surprisingly smiled at the comment.

"Niall, I'm sure she's just trying to make sense of it. Give her some time." I was going to give him a hug but he just walked out of the room. "I'm sure he'll be okay."

"He's taking it pretty bad ... it's a little better than his previous ex. That was mess." Harry shook his head. "We'll just have to wait it out to see how he really is taking it."

"So he's done this before?"

"Yeah. He'll be alright." Harry reassured me.

"Wait Harry. What were you going to ask me? You were wondering?"

"Wh- oh. I was- um wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me. Just us." Harry seemed shy but nervous. We've been on dates before but he always gets like this when he asks me.

"Hm. Let me think." I pretended to think about it. I wouldn't have hesitated to say yes but what's the fun in that.

"Oh come on, Lou. Am I gonna have to carry you there myself?" He let out a chuckle.

"I don't know ... maybe."

"Shut up and say yes." Harry rolled his eyes, waiting for his answer.

"I guess so." I grinned. He pulled me into an embrace.

"Always so complicated." Harry mumbled in my hair.

"That's what you signed up for pal."

"And I'd do it again! Wait ... isn't that my sweatshirt?" Harry pulled away looking at the oversized hoodie. I'm surprised he just noticed.


"My clothes look good on you." Harry smiled.

"Everything looks good on me." I smirked swaying my hip to the side.

"Shut up." It looked like Harry was so done with my shit but I knew it amused him.


I was on my phone and Harry was peeking over my shoulder. We were walking to his car as he told me about his "favorite spot". We were going there today. As I was unlocking my phone, he pointed out the screen. "We should really take a new photo. I look like a creep that snuck up on you." It was a photo Niall took of us at some party. I actually liked it.

"You do not! But yeah let's take some more." I gleamed.

"In the hall?" Harry looked around and laughed.

"Yeah so. It's just a hallway." I shrugged.

"Fine." I took out my phone once again and opened the camera. We took so many just for fun and this is the one we both liked the most.

"BHAHA! I love it

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"BHAHA! I love it." Harry hollered. He sent the photo to himself and set it as his wallpaper too.

For no real reason, Harry picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Harry! You didn't even want to take a picture in the damn hallway and but carrying me like this doesn't bother you?!" I could see everyone looking and a few girls 'awed'. I kept hitting him from behind wanting to be put down.

"I know. But I need to speed up this walk. You have short legs so I'm doing is a favor." He placed me down in the parking lot beside his car.

"How rude." He opened the passenger door so I could sit. "Thank you."

As he drove and spoke, I looked out the window and tried to see if recognized anything. Nope. Not a thing.

"Here we are!" I looked around and saw a hiking trail.

"We have to walk all that? I guess you're carrying me up that too." I joked.

"We're not going up. There's a path between those trees." He pointed at a yellowish orange tree. I stepped out and followed by his side. What if a snake came out of nowhere? Maybe spiders ... oh please not spiders. I scooted a little closer to him looking around by my feet. "There's nothing here to be afraid of. The spot is right there." There was a bench on a ledge overlooking the city. "It's perfect to watch the sunset. Come on." We sat on the bench and watch the sky turn from blue to pink and orange. "I found it on accident a few years ago. I guess it used to be a path but plants overgrew and hid it." Harry wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I placed my head against him. "And the college is right ... there." He pointed it out, it looked a lot bigger than I expected. Just a whole patch of green around it like nothing was allowed to be there.

"This is beautiful, Harry." We gazed at the sky a bit longer. It truly was beautiful here. I wish I could stay.

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