Once Nate and Lucy hit the road later on, she's never seen him this happy. He cranks the music loud and takes his shirt off, screaming out the window how happy he is now that summer has arrived.

. . . . .

Stass walks down the hallway and into the new loft that she shared with Kali, carrying a few big shopping bags.

Stass walks down the hallway and into the new loft that she shared with Kali, carrying a few big shopping bags

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"Hey you," Stass said as she leaned down to kiss Kali on the cheek. "Any word back from your fam about coming to the housewarming party?"

"I think you can answer that," Kali chuckled as she colored in between the lines of her adult coloring book.

"Really," Stass scoffed. "It's 2016, girls date girls. Like, get over it, you know? Blood will always be blood."

"It's not normal in their church lives. Not to mention my Uncle called me a rather colorful name once he found out about us."

"Whatever dude." Stass rolled her eyes. She reached into the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Smart Water.

"I finished the lotus flower sketch."

"Let me see."

Stass playfully hops onto the couch as Kali reaches for her sketchbook on the coffee table. She shows her the sketch and Stass gasps.

"I love this. You're getting so good, you'll be a tattoo artist in no time."

"I still have like 4 months left of my apprenticeship," Kali smiled. "All in good time."

"Speaking of which," Stass rests her head on Kali's shoulder. "I was talking to my Dad and I brought up the idea of opening a shop of our own. And not just tattoo artists obviously. I'm talking piercings, hair coloring, selling some merchandise as well. I mean...if you're down--"

"I'm totally down!" Kali was so ecstatic that she tossed her coloring book and began making out with Stass.

. . . . .

The BBQ had started & some old West Bev classmates arrived. Among them were Sammy, Jack J, Mike Kiger, Nadia, and John. It had been about a year since Nadia and John had seen each other. While he stayed in town to attend Hunter Community College, she went away to attend Stanford University. She looked more toned and already had her first tattoo near her wrist of a rose bush. John was stunned at how much of a woman she had become within just a year. He just had to approach her by the snack table.

"Wow," he smiled. "It's been a while, huh?"

Nadia smirked and looked him up & down, reading the hell out of his body language. So she cut to the chase. "You don't look so bad yourself, Swazz."

"You hate that nickname."

"You liked when I hated it."

With the sound of her cracking open her soda can & walking away, his eyes were glued to her switching hips. He catches up to her.

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