Chapter 27: A New Chapter

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Months turned to years and that Christmas soon became a distant pleasant memory. We graduated im the top of the class of course and i found a decent job in Nathan's father's company. I was a secretary well Nathan's secretary since he owns the whole firm now. Turns out the company was a company that manufactures prosthetics. In high quality but a cheap price. It serves as a supplier of sorts to hospitals. Even though i was Nathan's secretary something was a bit off for the last two months. We live in the neighborhood that we first met and he still sleeps beside me. But for the last two months it was complete radio silence. We had a relationship for 8 years. 8 blissful years of romance. But that all changed. Nathan grew colder and more secretive. The nights were lonely even though he was there. It felt like i was losing a part of me. Then finally one day when i just couldn't take it anymore i screamed at him when we were alone in his office.


He looked taken aback at my outburst. And smiled my favorite smile of his. "Of course i do."

"Then why are you avoiding me? Why are you so cold. Are you having eyes for someone else?"

He sighed and replied. "You're taking this the wrong way."

"HOW CAN I BE TAKING THIS THE WRONG WAY!." I screamed again as tears flowed. This was our first major fight in 8 stable years. "What's happening to us." I sobbed into his shirt since i pounded on his hard chest.

"Mary. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." He said softly.

I sobbed more. My heart could be heard breaking with each sob i made. "I'm sorry if I'm not enough Nathan...." I started to say.

I felt Nathan kneel and said. "You haven't let me finish my sentence Mary. I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore because i want to marry you. I want to be your husband until the day i die. Mary, my love and my life. Will you marry me." He said this while showing me a ring with a simple diamond on top. My eyes widened and i put my hands to my mouth. I sobbed and embraced the man i loved. "Yes Nathan. I want to be yours forever." He embraced me and together we both cried tears of joy.

We brought te news to my mother. She never lost her warmth to Nathan and told me that she was proud and happy for us.

"So when will be the happy day?" She asked.

"Well we were planning it on a few months from now. Maybe a winter wedding. About December 16 at the latest." Nathan said.

"Isn't that our anniversary?" I asked.

"Yep." He grinned.

"Im really happy for you guys. I really am. So how about we celebrate this day. I'll cook." My mother smiled at us.

We nodded and we went upstairs to my room. We sent the good news and invitations to our old group of friends and Nathan's relatives. I

"Nathan do your parents know?" I asked when we were done.

"Well yeah they do. The ring i gave was my father's engagement ring to my mother. It's really a family heirloom. The diamond on top was dug up by my great great great grandfather."

"Wow. So this is literally ancient history." I said as I admired the ring.

"Yep. So... What do you want to do with the last 2 hours till your mother... Well soon to be our mother, finishes cooking."

I smiled coyly at him and playfully bit his lip.

"Well my dear future husband. We can just have a really really really long discussion about marriage or you can just shut up and kiss me."

He grinned and our lips met and we were just lost in each other. The October breeze blew through my open window. While we were kissing my fingers found the buttons to his polo and i started to unbutton it. I felt hard muscle beneath it and as i took it of him i saw the scars. The scars of the accidents that changed his life. They were to me not flaws but a visible sign of what Nathan did. What he was capable of. I kissed every one of them and i felt him moan in pleasure. I started to take of mine but he stopped me.

"No. Not now Mary. I will not make love to you until we are married." He said his voice serious. I smiled at him and replied.

"Such a gentleman dear future husband. It seems to me that you were enjoying it."

"Yes i was. But being the classic person that i am. I must honor and respect you. That's whyi made you stop."

"I know I understand."

He kissed me lightly and we lay down on my bed. I traced the scars onhis chest with my fingertips.



"I already built a house for us."

I sat up and looked at him severely.

"Nathan. As your future wife and your friend, i am demanding that you stop doing things on your own. For now you can do what you like I can't stop you. But the moment that we say our vows. We will be a team. Is that understood?"

He smiled gently and replied "Yes Ma'am."

"Good. Now put your clothes on. I smell dinner."

He rolled my eyes at amd together we went down to meet my mother. We talked about our plans and the house that we already had. Of course we had a car the Mustang. My mother also said to Nathan that he shouldn't be the only one spending. He laughed and said that the time for that was over. He already did everything that he wanted. All that he needed was me. I blushed and bantered with both of them. After dinner my mother shooed is to our room and told us she'll be the one to clean up. We headed back to the room and lay down.

"How about we take a look around our house tomorrow?" Nathan said

"No sorry but i want to be surprised." I replied.

"I thought so. You were never one to be spoiled."

"That mindset is very good."

He laughed at that comment and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Sleep Mary. We'll need all our energy for tomorrow for the planning."

I rolled my eyes at him and said "I want it to be simple and i want to pay at least half of the whole price."

"I know you want it simple believe it or not i do to. I just want every detail to the last chair and spoon to be perfect. And yes pf course I'll let you pay after all the only thing we have to pay for is the ceremony the catering and the design people and the photographer. The music and lights are on me."

I sighed amd replied. "Fine. But before we both sleep i want to show you something." I reached beneath my pillow and pulled out a battered scrapbook. I opened it and showed it to Nathan. It was our memories. It showed our times together. The photos were all the originals except the one when we were in the snow. I made a copy and pasted the copy there. There were still a lot of blank pages left.

"I saved the blank pages for this. A new chapter in our lives."

Nathan looked at me with a gentleness that warmed my heart.

We slept with the scrap book between us. The night was dark and there was no moon above us to light my window. But that didn't matter because Nathan was there. He was my light and my love.

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