Chapter 19: The Announcement of Doom

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Months passed. September turned to October. October turned to November and November turned to December. The winter was cold but that never bothered me. What bothered me was how am i going to tell Nathan how i feel. For months i was already falling for him. Yes he is courting me but i wasnt ready but i was falling for him. My life is horrid. Everytime i see him my heart races and i just can't think of anything else. Everytime he laughs i just cant help but stare and everytime he looks at me with love my brain ceases to work. Over the course of the past months he became my best friend. My brother. A father. A lover. An adviser. A confidant and everything i could possibly need. He was always patient with me always understanding and kind. And everytime he kissed me it took all my willpower not to ask for one more. I was hopelessly deep in love with Nathan.

It was December 6 when an announcement from our dear beloved principal drove our school to chaos. We were all gathered in the gymnasium. I was between Nathan and Ara. We were chatting about this latest movie and when i was anout to ask Ara how am i supposed to tell Nathan what felt for him.

The principal arrived and said "in ten days, For the first time in nearly a decade. We will have a winter formal." At that small comment people all around me just exploded. Questions were asked and excitement barely contained. As i sat there in the middle of celebration with an expression of horror.

Nathan saw and said "Are you alright?"

I looked  at him mournfully snd said "No i am not alright! This is torture. Gowns??? Dancing?? Ughh. Im not meant to die this way."

He laughed and waited for the commotion to calm down before saying "Dont worry. If you need help with the goen I'll fix it as for dancing. Im a rubbish dancer but i know for a fact you're not."

"Do i want to know how you jumped to that conclusion?" I asked sarcastically.

He grinned and said " i could tell by the way you move. Your steps were graceful and i guess you have a knack for dancing."

I just leaned onto him and said "You dont have to buy me a gown. I just dont like wearing them. Especially heels."

He put his arm around me and said "Dont worry. You'll be beautiful."

As soon as i got through my door i shouted "MOM!! WE HAVE WINTER FORMAL!!" And just like that as if by magic she appeared in front of me and started asking questions rapid fire"When? Where? Is Nathan going to pick you up? What will you wear? We have to make appointments. The salon. The seamstress. And other stuff."

She said in just one breath i wad impressed and said "Mom let me change my clothes first and we'll discuss this later at dinner ok?"

"Ok. But tell Nathan to come by again. I could use his advice. He has great taste in clothes.

I just nodded and went upstairs. As soon as i changed i i went outside and went to the house across from mine. "Nathan!" I called and as i was about to knock the door opened revealing Nathan with just his pants on.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Uhhh." I just stood there looking at him like a complete idiot.

"Mary?" He asked again obviously not uncomfortable with just having his pants on

"Uhhhh my mom says that you should come by our house tonight. For dinner i mean." I stammered.

He smiled and said "Sure what time?"

I just said "I'll call you." He nodded and we said our goodbyes and i walked towards my house thinking "Damn he's hot."

After a few hours i called him and together we were walking back towards my house. He was wearing a tshirt that suited him nicely. As soon as we walked in my mother immediately hugged him and led him to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down on my usual place. Nathan with his endearingly annoying way of making me so.... So... So hearstruck moved his chair so he sat beside me. My mom winked at me and served us.

My mom immediately asked "So Nathan are you going to pick up Mary?"

He blushed slightly and said "Yes Ms. Mendoza, actually i was thinking if i could take Mary a bit longer after prom?"

"Again i said call me Marie. Sure just take care of her okay?" He grinned and started to eat. We all ate and talked about the coming event.

"So Nathan, are you two a couple yet?" My mom asked. Unfortunately both Nathan and myself were drinking at that time so at that very moment we both accidentally spewed out water in a never to be seen again synchronization. My mom laughed as we coughed and sneezed.

And asked again "So are you two official couples or something?"

I just glared at her and Nathan said "Oh God no. She is much too stubborn to fall for me so easy despite my obvious good looks and charming personality." He said this so comically we all just had to laugh.

But in my head i thought. "But i already am falling for you. I just dont know how to say it."

When we finished Nathan volunteered to clean the plates "Please Ms. Mendoza. Im going to be embarrassed if you baby me too much. At least let me clean these as a thank you."

It took all his skill of words to convince my mom to let him clean the plates but it took a lot of more to convince my mom to let him do it alone. When finally he won me and my mom went upstairs but as soon as we got out of earshot she pulled me closer and asked "You like him too do you? Hmmm but not the way he likes you. You're still not sure. You're afraid you might hurt him but you are fallinh for him."

I just sighed and nodded. "How am i supposed to tell him? How am I supposed to tell him im falling for him?" I asked her.

She must have heard the desperation inmy voice that she led me to my room and sat us both down on my bed. "Mary, i can't really tell you how but all i can say is just follow your guts and your heart. Also your brain. So few people know that love is a game of chess. You need timed moves and sheer will and guts to win. Just wait for the right time. You'll know when." She said.

"Mom.. How can i? I mean all i ever knew was pain. Maybe just a bit love of love but not this kind. How will i know the time is right?" I asked.

"Sweetie... You'll know. I was 16 once remember. Someday very soon it could be tomorrow or a week or a month from now but when the time comes it will be magical." She said affectionately.

I nodded and hugged her "Thanks mom." "Your welcome mary."

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