Chapter 7: Midnight Thoughts

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"You're the first girl i have ever kissed."

What a great parting message. A million questions wandered around my mind all throughout the morning,afternoon,dinner and most of my evening. As the clock slowly ticks to midnight one million and one questions still haunted my mind. Why did he say that? What pushed him to drop that crazy statement? Why did he remember that... Uhmm well incident?

As the night slowly turned to dawn my questions also slowly turned wilder and crazier and absolutely impossible. Was he a perv? A crazy though very attractive phsycopath? A few more minutes ticked by with those kinds of morbid question, then one single thought haunted me. I asked myself "Does he fancy me?". With that. Sleep finally caught me, pulling me into its comforting arms.

Beep. Beep. Beep. "Ugh" i moaned in disgust. I shut it down and climbed out of bed. So of course it's a Sunday and my mom will probably be dying to hear the details of my first session. I was safe in the knowledge that Nathan will not be in my house because it's a Sunday so i didnt bother to get out of my pajamas. As i trudged down to the kitchen in my groggy state not noticing a third figure with my parents as i grabbed my coffee. I sat down at the table still oblivious to the third figure beside my parents. I sipped it silently with my eyes closed and thought:" Nothing like coffee on a fine sunday morning" all the while smiling to myself. I heard my mom clearing her throat bringing me back to reality. I looked at her with a frown. Then i noticed my dad.... And i saw Nathan. I felt my jaw drop And all i could think of is."This is the second time he has seen me in my pajamas"

Cuts and RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz