I Get Out of Science Class

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The only thing I could hear was my heart pounding in my ears... Thump. Thump. Thump...Everything was moving so fast...I was moving so fast.

Let me explain.

All my life, I've been running.
Panting --

Whether it's running towards the 200m mark, or running from bullies when I was younger, or responsibilities now that I've matured. My parents liked to joke and tell people I could run before I could walk. So, naturally, when I heard there were two men of whom that I could only presume as government officials asking about my whereabouts, I did what I've been doing all my life: I ran. I didn't run because I was guilty, I ran for the same reason they were running after me: fear.

You may be thinking, "Why would two government officials be afraid of a high school senior?" Well, they might have not been afraid of me, but instead what I could do, yet, who could blame them?

I had just survived a three-story jump off my schools balcony, with, hopefully, no broken bones. With heavy rain soaking me, I sprinted through the parking lot and hopped the fence that surrounded the school. I bet now you're thinking, "Why not just use the stairs?" Well, because I'm a bad ass, but in all seriousness, it was mostly because men in black suits blocked the staircases.

To understand the ominous "what I could do" part of what I mentioned earlier, perhaps I should start with the beginning.

I started noticing something different a few months ago on my birthday. My eyes were a different shade of green than normal. Not only that, as the day went on, my vision was sharper than a normal person. For example, when I took my shower, it was like I could see every individual drop of water coming from the shower head and falling onto me. However, my sight was not the only sense that had improved. my hearing was abnormally sensitive as well; I cringed every time my mother felt the need to honk the car horn at an ignorant driver.

However, seemingly enhanced vision and hearing isn't really anything unusual, for all I could've known maybe I'm just too tired to notice the droplets of water every time I take a shower. Maybe my moms horn just seemed like it was extra loud and obnoxious that day. Perfectly good explanations, right? Logical. Believable. Well, it was difficult to use those excuses after you jump off a three floor balcony and land on your feet.

I decided not to tell anyone about what I was feeling and what I had noticed. I still thought it was just me! Well, as the months went on, it turned out I was right: it was me. None of my friends seemed to hear my teachers when they mumbled under their breath, or saw the extreme details in every frog we dissected. Still, this seemed like it was not anything to be concerned about. So what if I could see and hear every little thing?

However, one Saturday morning, during my morning run, my watch said I ran a mile in a little over five minutes. At first I was agitated; How am I supposed to keep track of my time if my watch malfunctions like this? In the end, I sucked it up and ran again. Again, it said a little over five minutes. After a few more trial and errors with the same results, I was convinced that something had changed. Running a five minute mile is not normal for my age, let alone me.

The next morning at the gym it got worse - my mind was so preoccupied I forgot to change the weights when I sat down for the bench press machine. About halfway through my second set, I happened to glance over at the weight and I almost dropped the handle of the machine when I saw how much I was pressing, a whopping two hundred pounds! I could barely press a hundred before! It's not like I'm a big buff high school kid. I'm a pretty built individual, but more skinny than buff.

After that incident, I decided to ride my bike home from the gym and try to clear my head. I knew I had to keep this secret of mine on the down low. Besides, who would even believe me anyway?... I realize now that if I wanted to keep it a secret so badly, I probably should not have stopped a high speed car chase in its tracks. In case you are confused, when I meant that I literally stopped the car chase, I mean my body literally stopped the car the fugitive was driving. I guess he was okay with stealing, but not okay with probably killing a teenager. Anyway, you're once again probably thinking something like," So what's the big deal? All you did was get hit by a car!" The problem was that I woke up in the hospital, I had two broken ribs, that healed in a week I might add. The doctors were flabbergasted, and I'm pretty sure they made a few calls. To be honest, I was almost expecting there to be people asking for me when I got back to school, not surprised by my assumption, I was right. Anyway, that pretty much does it for the heroic origin story, and it's about time we got back to the first story. Where were we? Oh right! Jumping off a building!

I wiped my dark brown hair out of my eyes as the drip-drops of rain escalated to pour. I looked over my shoulder just as the two men in black suits were in hot pursuit. I crossed another side street to be rudely greeted by loud car horns honking at me.

"If I keep going at this rate, I'll have twenty to life in a  jaywalking offenses," I said, starting to get frustrated about the current situation I was in.

I kept on running, looking back every thirty seconds or so to get a look at my pursuers. After about ten minutest or so, it appeared that they had fallen behind at the last intersection. I stopped, hands on my knees and trying to catch my breath. I walked to the red light and looked around, having absolutely no clue which part of the city I was in.

"Well..." I started, "I should be heading back--" I was interrupted by the screeching of a car on the wet road darting towards me. If I would have been any other person, I probably would not have heard the SUV until it was too late. I dove for the sidewalk, the car missing me by mere inches.

I spun around, expecting to see the car parked at the corner. Hell no. I'm not that lucky. There were four SUVS, one parked at every corner. I don't know where they came from, but by the looks of the men getting out of them, they were definitely not morning people. I was surrounded. I've seen enough cop shows, I know when I'm beat. I put my hands in the air.

One of them walked up to me and flashed his badge. "Daniel Parker?" He asked.

I nodded slowly, thinking of what they could want.

"We need you to come with us," With that, he walked me over to one of the SUVS and opened the door to the backseat. "Get in," he demanded.

As I got in, I felt something prick my arm. I jumped at the slight pain and looked down. My eyes widened to see a huge syringe sticking out my arm.

That was the last think I saw before blacking out.

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