final author's note

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I can't begin to explain how amazing this journey has been. I began writing this book one dark night in December when nothing seemed to be going right. I had planned out the book slightly beforehand, but hadn't gone too in depth with the characters. And I knew I needed to create two characters who could go through some of the darkest things imaginable, but still seem to find light in a person. That's what I needed, and through these characters, I could create exactly that.

A book is something you make or read to create something for yourself through words. Whether you're in an alien invasion or a hopeless love story or Hogwarts or a zombie apocalypse, you're still in another place that makes you forget. Creating something like that is especially amazing because you get to have characters speak the words you've always wanted to get out in a different way.

It's been a long almost-two years writing this story, and not all of it has been great. But through being frustrated myself, ignoring my family because of some sad chapter I wrote, crying in front of my laptop because the story was going nowhere, and tears running down my face through the happy and sad times in this story, I've reached a light at the end of that dark tunnel we've all passed through. I feel complete.

Letting go of these characters and this story is extremely difficult for me as well as for most of you who have expressed this to me. But I know that through another story, we can all connect in some other world.

I want to ask of all of you who enjoyed this story whole-heartedly to take a few minutes and comment your thoughts on it. Tell me what it means to you, if it's helped you through anything, and if you think I should change or edit anything when I go back over the story. I read every single comment and try to reply to all of them. I'd also love it if you could tell your friends about Alright. I know I've been affected by many books, from The 5th Wave and All The Bright Places to Harry Potter and Eleanor & Park. I'd love to give that experience to someone else as well. It would mean a whole lot:)

I want to thank each and every one of you who's stuck with me throughout this book. I couldn't have completed it without the motivation of all of you. Some readers who have commented and voted on almost every chapter I'd like to especially point out are:


I will be posting a new story this fall called Inside The Embers. It won't be a fan-fiction; this will be the first original story I've ever written, and I would love it if you could read it. I'll post a sneak-peak at the first chapter soon. The story is a gay love story that revolves around two teenage boys, Maverick Starre and December Fells, and will be told from December's point of view.

December is a shy boy who was taken in at a young age by the parents of his best friend, Rinella, when the realization that his alcohol-addicted parents weren't fit to take care of him.
Going into his senior year, Ember is still the shy boy who remains holed up inside his room reading and writing through another world. Taking Rinella's advice about going out and living through the last real year of his young age, he is persuaded into going to a party one night at which he gets too drunk to function and is rescued by the school freak, Maverick. Mav is attempting to complete a bucket list before the end of his highschool year and is seeking an accomplice. Deciding that Ember is the right fit, they set off to complete the list together in a series of four months.
Throughout this funny yet heart-wrenching story, stories are made, friendships come to light, bonds are made and broken, and life is fully lived.

This book will be written in present tense and through the view of a sarcastic, thoughtful boy who learns the meaning of friendship. If you decide to read it, I hope it will make you laugh, cry, and appreciate the people you meet.

If you feel as if you're in a dark place, or if you need someone to talk to, message me. I am always here, no matter what. I know what it's like to feel holed up. Let loose and live free. Run for hours if you need to, like Dylan, your bones moving and your heart pumping blood, or like Lola (hugs not drugs, my friends.) Talk to someone. If you think you have no one, let me be that someone.

Last of all, stay alive, all of you. I love you all forever. Thank you all for making this a memory that will stay for me forever. Be who you are, and don't let the Ashley Hernetta's stop you out there.

Instagram: evafossxx
Snapchat: evafoss12
Twitter: evafossxx
YouTube: evasmusic12
Spotify: evafossxx

For the Alright playlist, just type in "Alright Playlist" and it should be there under my username(:

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