Chapter 2

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I coasted into the cramped school parking lot and tried my best to focus on the school day ahead of me.

"I can do this." I mumbled to myself as a parked my bike in its usual spot by the willow tree. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and filed into the steady steam of high school students.

"Welcome back Midleson High," The Principle Borrows voice rang through the halls. "I would like to remind you upperclassmen to welcome the Freshman with open arms and give them the same respect you wish to receive," I scanned the classroom doors for number 178, Art 4 with Mrs. Chelson. " Attendance will be postponed until 8:45 due to the start of the new school year. This year we will be introducing new clubs and I highly advise you join one. Not only do they look great on your college application, they are also lots of fun for you young folk." I finally found room 178 and slipped through the door. Principle Borrows droned on but I wasn't really listening anymore. Macklyn and Alabaster were both in this class so it looked like I had a choice to make.

I really didn't know much about them anymore. In grade school we were all in the same friend circle as my brother and we haven't really spoken since he left school in 5th grade. A person can change a lot in seven years so I wasn't really sure what to expect. A sad wave of nostalgia washed over me as I recalled my childhood. James would always have someone from our group with him. I guess you could say he was popular with is abundance of friends, I was more of his sidekick back then. In our grade school days I remember spending most of my time with Macklyn. I can't remember for the life of me why we stopped talking so I decided to walk over and maybe try to spark our long dismissed friendship. I put on the best smile I could muster and I approached her desk.

She was sifting through her bag in search of something, probably a pencil or pen. Her caramel skin was as flawless as it was growing up. Her Dark coils of hair had grown long past her shoulders giving her a more adult look.

"Hi Macklyn." I greeted taking the desk beside her. She looked up from her bag and her eyed widened in what I'm assuming was surprise.

"Hey Evony!" Her tone was extra perky like a child talking about the newest toy.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked motioning to my desk.

"No not at all." She said returning her attention to what she was looking for in her tote like bag.

Mrs. Chelson told us to start out assignment that was written on the old chalkboard in the front of the room. We were to create a sketch representing what we did during the summer. I decided to sketch my mother's flower garden, something James and I had spent several days perfecting. I took out my sketchbook and pencils. Swallowing the lump that had began to form in my throat, I started on my sketch.

As I was creating the cluster of roses that marked the corners of the garden, Macklyn made a comment beside me.

"Hmm?" I signaled for her to repeat what she had said.

"I said that Cynthia either needs to loose some weight or get a bigger shirt." My eyes widened at her mean remark. Her entire demeanor was different now. She went from being happy and friendly to being like those snarky girls that picked on me in middle school. I subtly scooted my chair a few inches away from her desk and continued with my sketch. She continued to make snide remarks about our other classmates and I tried my best to ignore her but it got harder as she hit closer to home. Then came the remark that broke me.

"God, you are sure lucky that you don't look like your brother now. His pale skin makes him look like an alien. Where is he anyway?"

I was shaking with a mixture of pure anger and heartbrokenness. Tears welled in my eyes. I couldn't comprehend what would make her say such mean things. I stood up and slamed my sketchbook shut, drawing the attention of a handful of my classmates. I stuffed it into my bag and walked quickly out of the classroom mumbling an excuse to leave as I walked by Mrs. Chelsons desk. After I was a few feet away from the door I let out a choked sob. How could she? She knew he was sick. She knew the circumstances, but yet she chose to pick and tease. She wouldn't talk like that if she knew he was dead but know she had lost the respect for me to even tell her. I tucked myself into a corner of the locker bay and let my tears flow freely. Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and i instantly tried to make myself smaller. I can't imagine the kind of comments someone could make about a senior crying in the hallway. I hid my face in my knees and tried to make my cries softer. The footsteps stopped and I felt a gentle hand touch my shoulder. I looked up and was met by black rectangular glasses and dark green eyes accompanied by messy black hair and pale skin. Alabaster Riviara was crouched in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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