imagine for angelica

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A/N: Thank you guys for 15k+ reads you guys are the best :) This imagine is dedicated to  AngelicaValdez497 ! 


You and Harry were happily married with a 5 year old girl Darcy. It was the weekend, you were all going to go out as a family and have fun but plans were cancelled due to Harry being tired and having a headache from yesterday’s 2 concerts. You and your daughter were baking cupcakes being quiet, letting Harry sleep on the couch. “Eww” Darcy screws her nose up at the cracking of the egg, you giggle at her, “okay now mix it up” you say and she takes the wooden spin and tries to stir, and you help her out. “What now mummy?” “we put the mixture into the cupcake tins, and we put them in the oven to bake” you smile as you watch her continue stirring the already mixed mixture. She thought she was doing a great job. “okay now which colour?” you ask her, “pink for us and blue for daddy” she claps, and you grab the coloured paper cupcake holders. You both place them in the tray, before you help her distribute the mixture. “Now into the oven” she smiles and you nod as you take the trays of cupcakes to the oven and place them in. “Now we wait” “what do we do until then?” “whatever you like” you respond and she goes and plays outside seeming the sun was out for a change. Harry wakes up, “hi there sleepy” you smile “hey, wanna watch a movie?” he yawns, “depends are you going to watch it or fall asleep?” “only if we watch love actually” “okay” you shrug and put it in the DVD player and cuddle with Harry. Darcy was oblivious as she was off in her own little world playing in her cubby house. The doorbell went off, and you got up and grabbed it. You open the door and find an officer at your door. “Hello” you greet curiously, “Good Afternoon ma’am is Mr Styles here?” he asks politely, “yeah, uhh Harry” you call wondering if he did something, “yeah?” he answers walking over, “oh hello” he greets, “Mr Styles we have have a 15 year old lady with us, who was your ex’s daughter I believe, and she has nowhere to go. Her grandparents can’t look after her, and they directed me to you.” the officer says, “where’s her father?” Harry questions, “he as well was in the car accident 7 years ago, sadly” the Police officer informs Harry. “Okay?” Harry says not exactly sure on what the Police officer was getting at. “What you’re trying to say is she has nowhere else to go?” you step in, “yes you are her last resort” “she has no relatives or anything?” you ask, “she does but they have all refused to take on looking after a teenager, even though they are her flesh and blood.” the man informs you, you couldn’t help but feel sorry for this girl. “I don’t understand why her grandparents sent you here though” Harry states, “they said you were the only one left, who they knew and trusted” the man answers. “We can give you time to think, just don’t take too long otherwise she will put into foster care.” “Is she in the car now?” “yes Ma’am” “bring her out” you answer, the man nods and goes go the car and she comes out. She walks to the door with the man shyly. “Hi I’m y/n” you greet and she looks up, “I’m Aria” she shyly answers, “I’m Harry” Harry greets nicely, and she looks at him in disbelief, “Wow” she gasps, “I mean hi” she giggles, “Would you like to come in?” you offer, and Aria and the officer walk in. “Daddy where’s mu?” Darcy starts to ask but stops when everyone walks in. “Darcy can you go play in your room please” you ask and she nods and runs upstairs. “So uh what’s happening?” the officer asks, “Can we just have a second?” you ask as you weren’t exactly sure what Harry wanted to do. The officer nods and you drag Harry to the kitchen. “No we can’t look after her” Harry whispers, “why not Harry?” “she’s my ex’s kid” “so? She is a girl who has nobody, she has been abandoned and you’re her last option” “But” “Harry she has nobody left, just because she isn’t yours I don’t see why we can’t look after her, we have the money and room upstairs, and at least we can look after her god knows who she will get if she goes to a foster home” you explain, “what about Darcy?” “she always said she wanted an older sister, I guess an older influence will be good for her, you said you wanted more kids” you smirk, “yeah preferably younger than Darcy not more than double her age” “come on you can’t be against the idea that badly. She is still a kid, she hasn’t had her parents half her life” “that wasn’t my fault” Harry responds and you look at him arms crossed. “I’m not putting the poor girl on the streets or in a foster home.” “okay okay, I guess it is the right thing to do” Harry decided, “good now go in there and tell her” you state pushing him into the living room. “Aria we have decided we will take you in” Harry says and her face lights up. “Her grandparents will have her stuff dropped off tomorrow, and will have all the paper work you need.” the officer says, and Harry shows him out. “So Aria before anything” you start to say but Harry interrupts, “there are a few ground rules.” “Harry, shh” you shoot, “we will talk about the rules in a minute, we have a little girl we would want you to meet first” you say, and Harry goes up and grabs Darcy. She comes down, “Darcy this is Aria, Aria Darcy” you introduce them, “hi” Aria smiles, “hello” Darcy says hiding behind Harry a little. “Can I go play daddy?” Darcy asks and he nods. “okay well a few things, Harry and I have no experience with dealing with teenagers, so bare with us. There aren’t many rules we have yet. Mainly respect, it works both ways, homework gets done before fun time, that’s the same with Darcy if she doesn’t to her homework she doesn’t get to play. Hmm that’s it really” you say, “that’s fine” Aria responds, “okay well, for tonight you will have to sleep on the couch, it folds out, and tomorrow we will buy you stuff for your room. Is there anything you need for tonight?” you offer, “no thank you I have a few things already” she smiles holding her bag up. You nod and Harry just awkwardly stands, “okay well you can watch tv if you like” you smile, “can I play with Darcy?” she asks, “sure, she is outside I think” you respond and she goes outside. “Are we really ready for a teenager?” Harry asks sitting next to you, “I’m not sure, but here we go” you softly respond as you lean on his chest.

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