imagine two

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You’ve grown up with Harry, it’s a yearly thing that your families go on holiday together, every year you and Harry find a forest and go exploring, climbing trees, finding old Tyre swings, and make shift slides. Stopping by a tree Harry grins at you. 
Harry: race you to the top. You nod. 
You: After Three, Harry starts to count in but you run at the tree, pulling yourself onto the first branch. 
Harry: Cheater. But he’s not far behind you, so you race him to the top, playful insults going backwards and forwards, as you grab branches, haul yourself up, and then repeat the action. Glancing at the ground you hadn’t realized how far you’d gone. 
You: Hazza, I think it’s a bit taller then we first thought. 
Harry: Wanna stop? you think about it and shake your head, you continue up in silence, reaching up again you hand hits a plank of wood, you let out a small scream of surprise but smile as you look up and realise you’ve discovered a tree house. 
Harry: Who could build a tree house this high up? You shrug feeling for the trap door entrance, finding it you pull yourself in, watching Harry as he does the same, the tree house as a proper glass window on each side and you both quietly admire the amazing view you have of the camp site beneath you. 
Harry: I found this place last year. He’s focused on the view, as you turn to face him. 
Harry: I thought you may like it. Are you Hungry? You go to comment but then see the picnic basket in the corner of the room. A smile spreads across your face as you realise he’s had the whole thing planned, for over a year. 
You: Sure. As you eat a selection of both your favourite foods, talking easily about everything and nothing you wonder why you never noticed how hot it is when he shakes his head as he moves his curls, how attentive he is, how passionate he can be, how he makes you laugh and how lovely this simple gesture and quiet afternoon has made you feel, it crosses your mind that this could be the start of a relationship between the two of you.

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