Mystery Me

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The sounds of my heartbeat trickled into my ears, causing me to twitch and thrash.  I could not stop the sounds until I realized I heard them because of the water.  Opening green eyes caked with dried mud and sleep, I squinted against the bright sun overhead.  Water twinkled as the sun beams played with the waves, causing me to squint harder as they reflected into my curious eyes.  I tried lifting my head, but the weight of my hair mixed with the dirt that was wrapping itself around my light caramel hair seemed to make it seem very heavy.  I tried again, but instead, I strained to crane my neck and my body to stand up straight.  It worked.  Soon, I was staggering across the shallow banks of the crystal clear river, trying to get to the nearest shore.

I fell.  The weight of my body, the lack of energy, and my torn clothes became too much for my feeble body to bear.  Crashing into the gritty sand and weeds poking out, I fell into sudden darkness.  This caused my head to spin, so I rolled over onto my stomach to cover my view of the light.  However, I never realized that there was a rock next to me as I fell onto my side, and soon my head connected with the hard formation.  My skin broke, revealing scarlet blood to trickle down my face and into my exposed features; my eyes, nose, and mouth.  My head bounced back into place, and soon I was out before I could register the metallic taste in my mouth.


Muffled voices reached my ears as I struggled to remain concious, but sleep dragged at my eye lids and tempted them to close into another dark sleep.  However, the throbbing in my head seemed to great to ignore, so I lifted my eyes to meet unsuspecting hazel ones before rolling back into my skull.

"Guys!  She's awake!"  I heard a boy of about eighteen call, but my ears fooled me into believing it was just another dream.

That was, until I felt the light patting of my cheeks and shakes of my shoulders once my body reached something hard, and cold.

"Hmm...?"  I grumbled, lifting my clouded head to answer the caller.

"Hello?  Are you okay?  We are bringing you to my parents' house right now.  Hold on."  I looked into the teenager staring so intently before me.  I couldn't answer.  My tongue was thick, my throat was parched and scratchy, and my brain lost all control to send signals into my body to show some kind of response.  But the boy disappeared all to soon.  I was left to recall the face who greeted me out of my depthless dreams.  A straight nose, unkempt eyebrows, ear length wavy brown hair, flawless, lightly olive tanned skin, and perfectly placed freckles along his t-zone.

"Jessie, take it easy!"  A new voice shouted from the side of me.  I groaned at the sharp intakes the moving vehicle seemed to be taking.  "Are you alright?"  The other boy asked.  He looked about sixteen.  The hazel eyed boy and this kid must be brothers, or at least related to each other, because he has short dark, wavy hair, a paler complexion then the first boy, and brown eyes.  However, they were on the lighter side, but were still framed by similar pairs of long, dark eyelashes.

"I-I don't know."  I stuttered out, before coughing.

"It's okay, hon.  My name is Danny."  I was about to answer him, when we hit a bump and was jostled from our positions.

"Sorry!"  We heard a muffled reply.  It must be that Jessie kid.

"Hello."  A soft, yet velvety smooth voice spoke over the loud thuds the truck was making.  (They are in the bed of the truck.  She doesn't know it's a truck)

Turning to look at the other boy, who looked about seventeen, he had jet black hair that fell across his eyes, smooth and straight, and he had a pale complexion and dark blue eyes that looked almost black in the sunlight.  His lean figure was perched rather awkardly, trying to steady himself and trying to keep the towels from flying off my body.

My body.  It was long, lean, and lightly tanned.  My hands hands and legs had some cuts and scrapes, but nothing serious like the gash on my head that was staining my skin and clothes a deep, almost brown, red.

"Who are you?"  I cried out again as the truck came to a stop in front of a house by a cerulean colored lake.

"We-"  Danny started to speak, but was interrupted.

"We will explain who we are to you when we get you taken care of."

"Okay..."  I answered feebly, before being carefully lifted out of the truck and into the big house.

"Mom!  Dad!"  Danny called, running halfway up the stairs to allow his voice to project even further.

"What is it?"  A woman's voice, aged yet very much alert, called from the head of the stairs.  "Oh my."  She gasped, looking at something near me.  Or at me.  "Thomas!"  She cried, before rushing down the stairs and scurrying over to where I lay on the couch.

"Sons, I hope-"  The man cut short, before disappearing from my view and coming back to descend the stairs.  Something was in his hands, but I let my thoughts drift away as I became less worried and scared and more sullen.

"Father, we found her three miles down the river.  She was unconcious, and bleeding.  We had to rush her here, because the hosp-"  The boy who I assume is Jessie rushes out, sending me worried glances.

"Yes, yes.  Meredith, get me washclothes with warm water.  Marc, grab me your aunt's old robe behind the bathroom door.  Danny, grab extra towels to dry her off.  She's blue and shaking."  Funny I never noticed the blue tinge to my skin, or the slight shake I seemed to carry about.

"And me, father?"  Jessie asked.

"Stay with me."  His father answered.

"Yes, sir."  They fell silent, quickly dressing my wounds.  Everyone was gathered around as they worked, anxiously watching.

"Well?"  The mother, Meredith, pressed.

"She's much better."  Sighs of relief echoed throughout the room.

"However,"  That question cut through the relief and filled the air with even more tension as the father spoke slowly.  "What is your name, sweetheart?"

I raked my brain for some sort of answer, pulling hopeless and empty thoughts from the depths of my mind.  I could not answer his question.  My name is lost.  I am lost.  My past is lost, and my future is now lost.

"I don't know...  Who am I?"

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