Chapter 9

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It was around 10pm, and everyone was starting to head off to bed, except Kevin of course. Jayden and I had found my bag outside the school office, and just as we were leaving, Elliot showed up with an antidote for the frozen school. However, the clock was pretty much busted but I think the students and staff would catch onto that pretty quickly.

I was currently changing into some Pajama's, thinking about what had happened today. I was starting to doubt the fact that we even had a slight chance against the man-made creature. Not only that, I also had to deal with Kevin's attitude and that was going to be a huge problem if my team and the Rangers had to work together. And I couldn't forget about Lucy with the Neosics following her, she isn't safe anymore, and I'm getting the feeling that it has something to do with me. Maybe I should drop out? I know school is boring and all, but its given me a distraction from the strict and unrealistic lifestyle that I have, not to mention all the amazing people of met there and the social activities. I would be devastated if I had to leave all of that behind.

My thoughts came to an abrupt stop when a knock came at the door. When it opened, I saw Jii standing there with a tray that had some green tea and cookies on it.

"I think you might need this after today's events." Jii smiled setting the tray on my bedside drawer.

"Thanks, Jii." I said, taking one of the cookies and shoving it in my mouth.

"I'm surprised you haven't had a mental break down yet, after this pass week you must be ready to lose it." Jii lightly chuckled.

"That's why I have team mates, it goes the same for Jayden." I smiled. "But besides that, how are you feeling from the attack at the Tengen Gate?"

"Jess, that attack was a few days ago, I think I'm alright now." He replied, laughing. "Oh, and you need to say thank you to Josh from me. I don't think I would've gotten home safely it wasn't for him."

"You got it." I nodded.

"Well, I better get to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Jii chimed. "Goodnight, Jessica."

"Night, Jii."


The next morning was a cold one. I was laying in bed with my thick, warm blankets covering my body when someone started to lightly shake me awake.

"Hey, Jess?" Jayden whispered. I groggily rubbed my eyes, let out a yawn, and did a huge stretch.

"Whats up?" I mumbled, slowly starting to drift off again.

"You don't have school today, guess why." He grinned.

I peaked one eye open at him. Jayden was wrapped in a coat, scarf and a beanie, and his eyes were filled with excitement. This was strange, he normally wasn't like this unless what was happening was benefiting everyone else before him, if that makes any sense.

"What is it?" I yawned again.

"Its snowing!" He beamed. My eyes shot wide open before my body sat up in bed, a huge smile spreading across my face.

"Really?!" I squealed, latching on to Jayden's arm.

"Yes! Now get changed, we're about to have a snowball fight." He told me before walking out.

I rushed out of bed and removed my pajamas from my body before getting my jersey, some pants and boots on, as well as a beanie, scarf, gloves, and a jacket. I waddled with excitement out of my room and made my way to the court yard, where I was greeted by some excited Rangers in fluffy, white snow.

"WE NEED ANOTHER TEAM MATE!" Mike cried, as Kevin threw multiple snow balls and him, Emily, and Antonio. Jii decided to join in on the fun and was on Jayden, Kevin, and Mia's team.

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