Chapter 8

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"What the hell is that thing?" I gasped.

We just arrived to the scene and we were currently standing on a large building, oblivious to the enemy. What we were looking at didn't seem to be a normal predisite that we were so use to fighting, in fact it looked much more dangerous. A large, grey, mutated dragon was unconscious in the middle of the city square and it had tubed that were connected into its scaley skin, pumping a thick green liquid into its system.

Moogers were currently on watch for any signs of invasion while Dayu, Octoroo, Kudo, and a Nighlok holding a rather large pocket watch were examining the creature.

"Alright let's go in and take that thing out." Cameron stated as he was preparing to jump off the building and attack, however I stopped him in his tracks.

"Are you nuts?" I growled. "We can't just jump in there ànd fight without a plan, and even if we did have one we don't even know what that monster is capable of."

"So, have you got any suggestions?" He asked.

"I'll call Elliot. Can you go in a little closer and see what they're talking about?" I asked. He nodded before quickly getting closer to the group.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Elliot's number before pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" Josh answered.

"Josh? Where's Elliot?" I asked.

"Uh, he's a little busy with something. Do you need something?" He asked.

"Yeah, we've got a bit of a situation on our hands." I began. "I think the Nighlok and the Neosics are making a genetically mutated predisite."

"You're kidding? That's not good."

"You think?"

"OK, I don't want you going in and attacking right now." He explained. "Since its man-made it could pose some sort of biological threat to you and the others so keep your distance from it."

"What do you mean it could pose a biological threat?" I asked, keeping a watchful eye on Cameron as he hid behind a bush. Dumb boy.

"Well we don't know what exactly its made of. Anything between a poison and deadly radiation." He answered. "Is it just you there?"

"No, Cameron is doing a terrible job of spying on the bad guys and the Samurai Rangers should be here soon."

I didn't get a reply from Josh after that, there was a muffled voice in the background before the microphone on the cellphone began to be tampered with.

"Jess? What's going on?" Elliot practically shouted.

"I have no idea, but I need you to contact the other girls and tell them to get here fast. Its an emergency." I began, but before I could say anything else, a bright laser beam shot right next to me, making me drop my phone from the massive building I was standing on.

I looked over to see Kudo had his sword out, pointing directly at me.

"You know, its not nice to spy on other people." He grinned. "I thought you were going to have other tricks up your sleeve, or claws."

"Don't monolog me." I said through gritted teeth. "Tell me what you're up to?"

"And I thought you didn't care about me." He laughed. "Those doofy Nighlok and I are creating the most destructive beast ever!"

"Wow, gold star for you." I replied with sarcasm lacing through my voice.

"Of course, we need to figure out what this monster can do, so of course we need practice dummies." He began. "And what better way to send you out there to fight it, after all you're one of the strongest little girls on this planet."

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