Chapter 2

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All the girls were standing beside me, perched up on a high building having a clear view of Jayden and the others fighting. I felt butterflies in my stomach, watching the Nighlok toss my friends around. I sighed heavily as my hood and cape blew in the wind. We all had to keep our identities a secret, thank god for that, we were all wearing one as well as a small mask just incase the hood wasn't enough to cover ourselves up.

"Why are you so shaky?" Avalon asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"This isn't really my thing" I admitted. "We're meant to be stopping the predisites, not the Samurai Rangers!"

"But the Rangers might get in the way, we don't need that" Kim protested.

"Key word, might" I snapped. Zoey shot me a death glare, which I sent one back.

"Look, the monster is going back into the gap!" Lia pointed out.

"This is our chance!" Kim exclaimed. "Let's go!"

They all jumped down, leaving me still on the building. I decided to watch and not interact since I didn't want anything to do with the plan at all.

"You guys are the Mew's!" I heard Emily squeak. I could sense Zoeys cold threats in my mind as a negative vibe rushed at me. I growled through gritted teeth. I do care about these girls but I also care about the Rangers too.

"What do you want from us?" Jayden asked, sternly.

"For you to be gone!" Zoey threatened as she got a fire whip ready. I gasped as I quickly jumped down, her attack smashing me into the ground as I took the blow.

"Are you OK?!" Kevin asked, concerned but also with a bit of anger. I felt a strong burning feeling in my shoulder down to my wrist. Zoey had managed to hit me across my arm, burning away my sleeve and some of my skin and flesh.

"Enough!" I growled without any breath. The attack winded me, majorly.

"We almost had them!" Kim stated, completely stunned. I could feel my tears go watery from the pain that was spreading throughout my body.

"I don't...AH! Ugh!" I cried as I stumbled to the ground. Ava and Lia rushed to my aid as well as Mia and Emily who helped me up.

"Look at what they're families have done to ours! I don't want that happening again!" Zoey shouted. "If you keep defending them, I'll just destroy you along with them!"

"Zoey stop it!" Lia cried as she stood protectively infront of me. Kim stood by Zoey, giving her a look of confusion and hatred.

Zoey raised her hand, a spark igniting before turning into a big hot orange flame that could be felt miles away.


"Don't let the fire inside of you burn your pride, Zoey!" I said. "You may be a cold person, but you are also caring and sweet! You would do anything to protect a civilian!"

Avalon and Lia quickly moved so that they weren't in range of the attack.

"They killed our ancestors!"

"That was in the past, this is the present! We can't blame good people for something they couldn't stop!" I said. "They don't want anything to do with us, Zoey!"

Zoey lowered her hand. She removed her hood and you could see her eyes were glossy.

"My Grandmother died because of them! Why should I trust them?"

"Because I know these people!" I said, looking back and smiling. They all gave me confuse looks except for Mia who was smiling right back at me, realizing that I may or may not have blown my cover I quickly walked off.

"Wait!" Jayden called. I turned around. Jayden gave me a warm and gentle smile, which a gladly accepted and returned.

"Jess, what's going on?" Zoey asked, still angry at the Rangers.

"Jess?" Antonio asked confused. "Wait! Is that...?"

I removed my hood and mask, gazing up at Jayden and the others. Mia was smiling gratefully and with proudness, and the same thing was with Emily, Lia, Ava, Mike, and Antonio. However, Jayden, Kevin, Kim, and Zoey's faces fell into a...well...lets just say it wasn't a good look to be recieving.

"You...You blew our cover!" Kim stuttered.


"Zoey!" Lia hissed. "That's our leader!"

My eyes focused on Jayden, he almost looked betrayed by my actions, and Kevin look almost as furious as Zoey.

"Jessica, do you know them?" Ava asked. I paused for a moment. Jayden looks so angry right now, and Zoey would blow the entire city up if I explained who they were. I've just made a huge mistake!

"I, uh..." I stuttered. It's times like these that you wish that you could have time travel.

"I'm Jayden, her older brother" Jayden said. 

"Your older brother?" Kim asked.

"Why didn't you tell us this, Jessica? We would've stopped!" Avalon stated. I looked up and glared at them all.

"Oh. so if I didn't know them then we would have gone ahead with the plan anyway! What difference does it make? Even if I didn't know them they would still be the same kind people!" I snapped. The girls were all taken back by my outburst as I stormed off.

"Where are you going?" Lia asked.

"Away from everyone!" I shouted before sprinting away. All I want to be is alone right now, why does this ahve to be so difficult?!

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