•Chapter 2•

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2010 - Sydney, Australia

Orange. All I see is orange. I open my eyes to the sun shining directly in them, causing me to close them immediately and groan.

Once I maneuver myself so the sun isn't slowing making me blind, I open my eyes and look around a bedroom I've never seen before; a desk is to my right along with a hot pink beanbag chair in the corner and a bookshelf. On my left is a gray dresser with a hot pink lamp and a couple of books. As I turn around I see letters with a skyline picture painted on them reading "New York" over my headrest.

"This is the coolest room I've ever seen" I mutter to myself.

Wait, aren't I supposed to be...

I quickly race out of my room, down the stairs and into a kitchen to find two people I've never seen before.

"Hello, Emma, sleep well?" the woman asks me in an Australian accent while the man continues to sip his coffee and read the paper.

Australian accent? Wait a minute.

"Um, silly question, but, where am I and who are you guys again? Sorry if that seemed straight forward or rude I just took a really long nap and I don't even know if this is earth but-" the man cut my rambling off with a laugh.

"Oh Emma, you do this at least twice a week. We were just talking about getting our names tattooed on our foreheads!" he jokes. "I'm Tim and this is Joan, we're your new foster parents. You were transferred from Brooklyn all the way here to Australia because your cousin found you but can't leave the country." My foster father, Tim, explains.

How did they know about Roger? And why do I have to still be an orphan in the past, why couldn't I be given a real family for once?

"Oh right, I totally blanked for a minute there." I chuckle along with them.

So I am in Australia! Did I really time travel? What year is it?

"Well now that you're up, I can tell you that tomorrow you start school so make sure you're prepared. I'll put your new uniform on your dresser tomorrow morning." Joan says while munching on a piece of toast with a weird brownish yellow spread on top.

Must be vegemite, yuck.

"What is today by the way?" I ask, praying they'll use the year.

"It's the 26th of January, 2010, yet I still dated my check 2009 this morning. Silly me!" Tim laughed again.

Holy shit I time traveled!

"What school am I going to again? I keep forgetting the name." I ask as I take an apple and take a bite out of it.

"Norwest Christian College." Joan answers.

Double holy shit, I'm going to the same school as 3/4 of 5sos!

"Right, thanks." I say as calmly as possible. "I think I'll just be heading up to my room now." I say as I walk back up the stairs to my new totally awesome New York-ified room.

As I lift up the covers to get back in the bed, I see my gold iPhone 6s sitting there on the bed with my headphones and charger attached to it already.

Man am I lucky I had those plugged in when I time traveled, that would be a real mess.

I decide to go on Twitter and see what's happening, but all I can see on my timeline is 5sos girl drama.

Typical overreacting fandom making me want to delete the app entirely.

I see that I tweeted three minutes ago: "I lost my phone and now I have to do everything from my laptop, fml"

"Sorry present, or now future me." I mutter to myself.

Michael Clifford just tweeted about the show they played at MSG, what I was walking home from when I ran into Dr. Sorelli and his time travel pocket watch.

After I get bored of social media, I realize it's 11:00 at night and I should probably get to sleep for school tomorrow. I have to get my beauty sleep and look nice to impress the boys!

Once I plug in my headphones, set an alarm for 7:00 a.m and put The Only Reason on repeat, I slowly fall into a deep sleep, excited for what may come tomorrow.


Alright, I know this seems crazy stupid and the chapters are way too short but just give it a chance, I've never actually liked an idea about a book before this one and I think it'll actually be pretty coolio! I'm setting the plot up right now, and I can't rush it too too fast or else the entire thing will be all sloppy and what not, so please just go with it, you'll like where it'll go I promise! Also, Emma's new room is (hopefully) posted on the side. Oh and I know some of the stuff in here is way too far out there to even be considered possible in real life, but it's a book for a reason amiright??

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