A Warning?

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I wrote this foreverrrrr ago and it's my only draft so I want to publish it so I don't have any drafts. My brain just works that way lol.

"Welcome," a deep, raspy, mysterious voice had said, "to your worst nightmare!" It echoed, in a way that only the night could.

A bright light flashed, like lightning. It was almost blinding. At that point, I realized where I was, a dark room. It was a vast wasteland of midnight, black nothingness.

That sickening laugh echoed through the room.

"The legend says 'The brave princess is to be rescued by the knight in shining armor.' Where is he Logan?" Even though, I couldn't see him, I felt his grin wrapped around his face. I was sick.

A spotlight appeared. From where, I couldn't tell. Under it was a tall man with uncontrollable dark red hair, and cold, devilish eyes.

I yelled out to him, but my mouth was duct taped shut. I attempted charging at the man, but I was tied up, to a pole.

"Why have you taken Logan?" This time it was a different voice. A younger one. A boy ran up to the man with the dead eyes.

"Is this your petty attempt at trying to save yourself Logan? I thought the chosen one would have a better knight." He laughed that sickening, cold, dead laugh.

The boy ran up to me, but as he got closer. I was fading away, passing out.


I woke with a start. My heart, head, everything was pounding, racing. That nauseous laughter was still playing through my head. Chosen one? Brave Princess? Knight in shining armor?

It's okay, my dreams have always been known for being extremely vivid. I woke up a lot, in a sense of panic.

I changed out of my pajamas, applied my contacts, and headed downstairs, completely consumed in my own thoughts.

Here's a bit of background information on my family: For one, my father died when I was young, but we've never had financial issues, because well, my mom is the most famous Rhyhorn Racer in history. And second, we just moved into a completely different region. My mom thinks that I should always be happy. Always be happy because I'm HER daughter. Keep a smile on my face for the camera, the paparazzi. Luckily, they haven't found out that we left Sinnoh yet. Being my mom's daughter is tiring. It just means that I have to live up to something.

No one ever asked me what I wanted, at school, or at home. Everyone just assumed I'd be a Rhyhorn Racer, like my mom. When I was younger, I dreamed of being the future champion. The strongest Pokemon trainer in the whole world. Let's just say, as a kid I was laughed at a lot.

And there's no hope.

See, to become a strong trainer, you need to be invited by the region's Pokémon Professor. I moved into the Kalos Region two days ago. And this is usually the time of year kids my age are sent out. Well, I don't even think the professor knows who I am.

Downstairs, my mom was already awake. Bright and cheery, as usual.

"Hey mom," I said forcing a smile.

"Hey hun, do you mind helping with the eggs?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure," I replied sarcastically. I made my way to the frying pan. Most of our boxes weren't unpacked yet, so we dealt with what we had.

"So, are you all freshened up from the move?"

"Well mom," I answered, truthfully. "I really miss Sinnoh. I just wish all of my friends and everyone were here in Kalos."

"Honey, I knew it'd be tough. I moved to five different regions when I was your age. I'm only doing what I believe is best for you." She paused for a second. "You know what? Why don't you go say hello to the neighbors right now."

"Why?" I rolled my eyes.

"I hear Vaniville is blooming with youngsters!"


"Yeah, hun?"

"Don't say that." My mom's job is to stay young, beautiful, and race her Rhyhorn to the limit. She was on the cover of every magazine. Stories all about "Following Your Dreams!"

When I was young, I had a dream where I would become the strongest trainer in the whole Sinnoh Region. It was shredded and put on a curb somewhere behind me, in Sinnoh. But, I've kept on to the idea of it. But since I moved here to Kalos, I'm so unsure.

I abandoned the eggs and began to follow my mom's orders.

"I'm sure none of them will even be awake," I concluded.

Knock knock.

My mom gave me the 'I Told You So' face. And I went to answer the door.

There was a boy with pale skin and dark hair, framing his face, and a girl with olive skin, bright green eyes, and milky brown hair in the biggest pig tails I've ever seen.

"Logan Watson?" the boy asked. His voice was clear, reserved. I've heard it before... I nodded shakily.

"Guess what? We've come to get you!" the girl said with a wide smile. Her voice was higher. And she moved in spastic motions as she spoke.

Oh gosh, I thought. Some Vaniville Town kids are gonna take me to my doom.

"The esteemed Professor Sycamore has had a request for five kids, including us," the boy went on. "He wants us to direct you to Aquacorde Town."

"And you know what? We're going to get our very own Pokemon!"

I gasped, but brought myself together. "Uh, I'm sorry, but I think you have the wrong person."

"We're not wrong!" the girl said cheerily.

"Logan, just come to Aquacorde. It's just through Vaniville Gate." the boy said.


"Okey-Dokey-Artichokey! Everything's all worked out. I'm Shauna by the way!" Then Shauna ran through these dark blue gates, next to my house, like there was no tomorrow.

The boy turned away from me.



"I'm Calem. Calem West. I hope that we can become strong rivals."

And with that, my journey begun.

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