"O' course I can 'ear you,"Tony's words come out muttered, slurred and almost sounding as if he as confused because he is, in some sort of way because he has no idea what has happened or where he is or why his mouth feels like a bunch of cotton balls have been stuffed in his mouth, making him seem unable to speak correctly without him sounding like he has just had a stroke."You won' shut up."

"You're awake,"She sounds stunned and overjoyed. Tony can feel hands over his face, above his closed eyes, fingers peeling back his eyelids and a shining light being shone into his left eye. He winces, wanting to bat away the prying hands but his arms feel too heavy for him too lift."This is quicker than we thought you would recover."

It happens too quickly, because before Tony can speak again, demand where he is, who was this person peeling at his eyelids and talking way too sweetly is, Tony is falling into another bout of dreamless slumber almost instantly.

When Tony awakes again, this time, it's on his own accord and he's on his own. Replacing the sickly sweet voice is the continuous beeping sound of the all too familiar heart monitor, monitoring Tony's heart beat that seemed a little too slow for his liking. The cotton ball feeling is still in his mouth, mouth dry from lack of swallowing and hoarse from lack of speaking.

Everything hits Tony like a tidal wave, The Grand Stark Christmas Ball which Tony has no interest in attending, and so, our of sheer boredom of being stuck in the mansion on his own, had wangled his way into Howard's Workshop to play with some tools. It backfired, because Tony has probably the worse luck in the world when it came to anything remotely involved with Howard Stark.

Despite his eyelids practically being glued to a close, Tony's eyes pop open quick enough in alert and shaking fear. There are bright lights beaming above him, making the teenager wince and have the urge to snap his eyes close once again, but he's too determined to see the damage done to his body.

There's a trail of wires coming out from the back of his left hand, leading to the heart monitor and a fluids sack, as his eyes trail further up to his body he notices the white fabric bandages tightly wrapped around his biceps, his shoulders and chest, making him unable to see the da mange done to his skin, but he already fears the worse.

What sticks out, is the unmissable blue glow that is noticeable under the thick swabs of bandages that bind his chest. When Tony lists his hand - which takes more effort that he would like to admit - the tips of his fingers can see the sharp, curved edge of whatever is sticking 0.5cm out of the middle of his chest. It didn't hurt to touch, it was just abnormal and spiked Tony's interests further.

"You're awake,"There's someone new in his private hospital room, tall, slim built and on the wrong side of 40. Tony has filled with the Hospital bed enough to have it elevated in a way that the thing sticking out of his chest isn't causing him any pain and it allows him to see around the rather dull room.

The staff that has tended to Tony seem to be half decent, Tony wouldn't say they were his favourite people to have prodding him with doses of painkillers or to wipe him down with a sponge but then again, they were only doing their job. It wasn't a surprise that Tony has seen so sign of Howard or Maria.

"I am,"Tony all but replies sullenly, coffee coloured brown eyes narrowed in on the doctor that enters further into a room. He was all kind smiles and Hellos, holding a thick file that Tony has no doubts about holds all of his medical records since his birth."Your staff seem to like prodding me with drugs to knock me out, so it is a surprise."

"It seems that you're getting back to good health."Tony can identify that this man isn't American, his voice is laced with an accent that is still thick on certain letters but has probably lived a long enough life in the states. He's a balding man, with rectangular silver glasses perched on the bridge of his long nose.

"Good health? I don't know if you're unable to see or not, but I have a metal sticking out of his chest and the skin under my bandages feels like melted rubber. I am the furthest away from Good fucking health."Despite the venom Tony wishes was behind his voice as he spoke to the doctor, it comes out hoarse and throaty.

"I see that you are under a lot of stress, this is something new that you shall have to accustom too, Mr Stark."He treats Tony like an adult, which he seems to like. He doesn't try to dumb down his words or try and speak in a gentle manner, because the media knows of Tony Stark, a rouge teenager who deems himself indestructible.

The Doctor Introduces himself as Dr. Ho Yinsen, and he explains throughout the process he had went though to accustom the new found Arc Reactor magnet in Tony's chest, which would stop the piece of Shrapnel from the missile from entering his chest and killing him. Tony seems to take it in his stride, he nods, he asks questions and is pretty calm whenever Yinsen explains what would happen if the arc reactor is damaged and broken.

Luckily enough, the burnt, rubbery flesh of his skin isn't as bad as Tony thought. Maria had managed to convince Howard to pay Tony's way further up the skin graft list which was a start, seeing as Tony didn't have to live with the rubbery flesh forever. There was harsh brushing scattering Tony's back and neck from the impact of the explosion sending him into the Liquor cabinet and numerous little cuts and bruises on his face.

It could've been worse

He could've been dead

"Is there any further questions you would like to ask, Mr Stark?"Yinsen had perched himself on the edge of Tony's Hospital bed, in a way that respected Tony's personal space and that he was no longer talking down to Tony in anyway.

"Will I always need this?"Tony asks, trying his best not to stare at the glowing blue under the thickness of the bandages. Yinsen graciously showed Tony the designs of the arc reactor and Tony has to admit that it was pretty impressive and didn't look as shabby as Tony had thought it would. It would be visible under most of his clothing and unfortunately enough, there would be scaring around the arc reactor.

"For the mean time, yes."He pauses,"But in the future, when technology and science is more advanced, there could be a possible way of removing the pieces of shrapnel from your chest without doing you further harm. There is always hope."So in the end, Tony believes that is that, and he will stuck with the godawful thing in this chest until his dying day.

This is pretty decent enough chapter in length at just nearing 2000 words but as I go on, the chapters will get a lot longer

I'm really fucking excited for this, and I hope that those that are reading are excited too because I have a lot planned and I'm writing this pretty well I think (:

Please tell me what you think

Your opinion on Tony at the moment? And the Starks?


Peace ✌🏼️

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